The photo was taken across the street from my house, 40 miles from the launch. Watched live TV on my phone to make sure I wasn't standing in the dark waiting for a launch scratched in the last minute. Got to the final countdown 10...9... I look and it is clearing the trees before the TV told me it launched! Love night launches and debated on driving over where can get a clear view across the river, 5 miles away. Actually watched John Glenn's second return to space from there.
The photo posted with the stage separation returning to earth and the capsule proceeding on was one of the last I took. As I reached my home, began hearing the rumble of the initial launch as the sound finally made it the 40 miles.
You can hear a sonic boom as the booster re-enters the atmosphere, but what really rattle windows was the twin sonic booms when the shuttle returned...and many times could see it overhead as approach was from the Gulf and across the State, directly over Orlando metro area. Most memorable was one time when not even aware that was returning, walked across the parking lot to my car, got in, turned key in the ignition and BOOM...BOOM. Freaked me out! Had to touch myself to assure that I was still alive.