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Photo of the Day: April 2014

I liked how the clouds and sun looked in this building in Hammersmith.

Fujifilm XE1 with Rokkor 45mm
Inspired by Peter (Cheese&Apple) and his weekly contest, last week. Thanks, Peter! :eek:

This poor fellow was found in a stairwell of an empty building I explored yesterday in the CBD.


What is it please? I'm guessing its made from aluminium looking at the texture?

Alex is doing some piano tuning these days, that may help you out... ;)
Very nice parkin pig...well done! I would clone-out the fencing in front of the arched doorway, print it and hang it on a wall.

~ Peter

Thanks Peter, I'll have a go at cloning the fence out. Shame it was there really. It doesn't prevent access to the building, although I'm guessing it once did.

Weight Limit by Parkin Pig, on Flickr

Sign on a road bridge on the approach to Goathland - the village used as Aidensfield for the popular UK drama series 'Heartbeat'.
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Photo of the Day: April 2014

I love how shallow depth of field can make my garden look less like a post apocalyptic wasteland....


I also love the bokeh in this shot.

Fujifilm XE1 with Rokkor 50mm 1.4

Amazing to see one of these tiny little guys in so much clear detail MCH-1138.

inspired by peter (cheese&apple) and his weekly contest, last week. Thanks, peter! :eek:

This poor fellow was found in a stairwell of an empty building i explored yesterday in the cbd.

I really like this shot Alex and I'm not just saying that because of the contest acknowledgement. Well, it may have a little bit to do with it. :)

Seriously, this looks like it would make a great album cover. Don't ask me which band.

~ Peter
Photo of the Day: April 2014

I think a "creamier" and "smoother" bokeh would really have been preferable; IMHO the bokeh here is very distracting......

I get what you mean and I think that bokeh can be very subjective. I agree that it would help make the lilac pop more and be less distracting if it was smoother, but I like the abstract feel it gives to the overall image. That's what makes it more interesting to me rather than just a picture of some lilac.

Thanks for the comment.
Blimey, it's like he's in the room with me...

Thanks, Doylem -- that's basically the effect I was going for. The image has been cropped some, but he was only about 25 cm from the end of the lens hood (45 cm from the focal plane, according to EXIF data, which is close to the minimum focus distance for this lens). So the camera is basically in his kitchen, so to speak. This one was tripod-mounted and remote-fired.

Amazing to see one of these tiny little guys in so much clear detail MCH-1138.

Thanks, Peter -- I have plenty of "just misses" where they have darted out of the plane of focus (as you might imagine), especially when shooting this close. But it is always fun to download at the end of the day and find out that I got one or two where everything seems to have come together.
What is it please? I'm guessing its made from aluminium looking at the texture?
It's a photograph of an upright piano's iron plate. When a piano is tuned to proper pitch, it can have up to 15 tons of tension inside it, hence the beefy iron plate.
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