Going back through some old photos as now I can practically have unlimited amounts on Flickr.
As always, comments appreciated.
Sunset Speeding by AcearchieArchive, on Flickr
I can only see the picture if I click on the link. Sorted now!
I love it, as someone just learning about photography, all of your photos have a quality about them that really stands out and just looks 'pro'. It's good to pick up tips from this thread, now I have an of how to angle similar shots - I probably wouldn't have thought of that!
Snap with my photo for today!
Thanks for the compliments! I am far from pro through. Since finishing university I have started freelancing and found that it is much easier to get video work rather than stills work. Probably because I have all the video equipment I need and a better portfolio. My stills is just a lot of nothing and I really need to sort it out!
A similar shot to Fireman32.
As always, comments appreciated.
Goodwood2012 by AcearchieArchive, on Flickr
I like them both. Here is my attempt.