Another day, another flower. Not as happy with this one, but what do you think?
20140824-DSC_1163 by
apple fanboy1, on Flickr
More contrast please
I agree with Alex about adding more contrast and maybe a more definite focus point—maybe on the stamens? Good idea for a shot though, worth experimenting with.
I have to agree with you Ish and feel that I should elucidate upon this a touch, for AFB and maybe others benefit, including my own! The action of writing this has clarified my processes, which I haven't really thought about before, I just do it...
They eye loves contrast, it's a sucker for it, it also loves a subject and in this particular image, it's not quite clear what the subject is. We know it's a flower, but there's nothing for the eye to rest upon as the main subject within that flower, which requires focus and contrast. I'm not sure whether you were intending it to be an abstract or a detailed study of the tips of the stamen. If it was playing with the surreal, I'd take it further with a more high key approach and out of focus glistening bokeh of the tips of the stamen, so the brain gets it straight off. If it's a study of a part of the flower, nail the focus of that and have it framed so that there is good contrast for that subject, before pushing the shutter button. Easier said than done when dealing with handheld macro, where fractions of millimetres make all the difference. As a wobbly fella (getting wobblier as I get older) I know that only all too well!
Here's an example I shared a while ago on here of getting the contrast and subject working fairly well for this type of shot, it's not exemplary, but it's OK. See how I framed it from an angle on the side, rather than straight on, to give that separation of the stamen and to get that contrast before pushing the shutter? I spend ages on my macro shots, trying to get an interesting POV and that contrast, etc... That said, I also played with the angle and intensity of the speedlite/flash to add to that too.
I'm no expert, but I did feel that I had to offer more clarification to you than just
"more contrast please." Hopefully this comes across not as a criticism at all, but rather an opinion/suggestion, which you have zero obligation to take on board, given my lack of pedigree!