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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri. USA
It's Feb now in most of the world...


One handheld RAW // HDR
Shutter: 1/30
Aperture: f/9.9
Focal Length: 400mm
ISO 100


macrumors 68000
Aug 10, 2003
The Hill
Valdore, geeez jumping the gun on this one. I KNOW that it's not Feb in Kansas City! I would understand if it were someone in Australia or such that was posting for their time frame. Maybe you could let someone else be the thread starter, after all you do have the honors on the HDR thread. BTW, I like the shot. Fact is I like most of your posts. Oh my, getting warm here. Perhaps it's the flames I'm feeling;)

Martin C

macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2006
New York City
Jeez, it's barely February in the UK. I've still got 4 hours and 15 minutes to go here in NYC.

Anyways...superb photograph valdore. I love the depth that it has.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri. USA
Because of you it's getting harder to maintain my hatred of HDR. There are a lot I still don't like, to be honest, but something subtle like this, where the HDR isn't obvious but adds depth to the image.... it's exquisite.

Oh, I thoroughly believe HDR has just as much practical use as it does for "artistic embellishment." which leads me into Clix's post...

Valdore, do you ever do anything other than HDR? I'd really like to see a "real" photograph from you, an unadulterated one....

Well I am strongly biased toward HDR, but there have indeed been a number of times when either HDR won't work for a given shot, or one doesn't want an elevated dynamic range to begin with. I've posted some of those here and there. The thing is though, HDR in my opinion is so helpful for city and architecture type photos - and that has been my emphasis almost as long as I've had a digital camera. But yeah, there is still the occasional time when I won't use it. For instance, a fresh snow and completely blue sky... if there's architecture in there then maybe, but the benefits are lessened if there's not much dynamic range in the scene to be captured in the first place.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2004
Los Angeles
its my birthday photo post

well its 1am and I said I need to post all my pictures so what perfect time than on my birthday!!!

crap Png doesnt work snaps!



macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2004
At the Subterranean
Nikon D80
Nikkor 70-200mm
1/8 second

I'd actually appreciate some feedback on this one. Thoughts?



macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2002
Maybe Valdore should use the acronym DRI, instead. Perhaps it would inflame passions less, while still getting the point across.

Along those lines, I feel DRI is a valid photographic technique, in that digital images have a lesser dynamic range than film to start, and using dri techniques to make things visible that people expect to see is simply using technology to render a more accurate image. Yes, the tendency to abuse dri techniques until you have pictures that look overdone can be annoying, but judicious use to enhance a picture is no problem in my book.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Okay, whew! Did you manage to get it all out, and off your chest, Carl? I hope so. I came to understand how you felt last thread, but in fairness, and being as objective as I can, this time I think you definitely did the overstepping. I agree in principle with your philosophy of openness to all expressions of photographic art, but we don't need anyone to become the thought police here either. If valdore didn't take offense (and perhaps he wasn't offended at all, and maybe even has some kind of relationship with Clix pix) then it's not your call there. Your "reply" is passionate, makes some great points, but is inflammatory in it's tone of defiance and anger. If you're still angry about the earlier exchange (last thread) then you should be honest with yourself about that, because as a third-party observer I didn't feel Clix pix's comment was anywhere the offensive comment you took it for. You basically declared war. Why? This was really a pleasant place, let's keep it that way. Among friends we need to have a little give-and-take, and not fly off the handle so quickly. Discourse, without personal attacks should be encouraged, but let's keep in mind that the purpose of this thread is to show our photos to each other, and we should expect comments. There is no guarantee that all comments will be supportive, but for the most part I have seen no basis for the any "line-in-the-sand" declarations, and the opposing camps that would imply. We're all artists here. You, me, valdore, clix pix, Doylem, srf4real, etc. etc. Some artist's work I like more than others, but I think most of us welcome all offerings. Those that don't are free to say so, and are also free to opt out if the thread doesn't do it for them. But I see very little reason to get all worked up to the degree you have. But of course, you have that right, and I respect your feelings. But in this case I think you have made a mistake. That's all. No offense intended, Carl.
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