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macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2004

sunset nikon d40x

Carl Abudephane

macrumors 6502
Nov 15, 2007
Okay, whew! Did you manage to get it all out, and off your chest, Carl? I hope so. I came to understand how you felt last thread, but in fairness, and being as objective as I can, this time I think you definitely did the overstepping. But in this case I think you have made a mistake. That's all. No offense intended, Carl.

Hey pdxflint,
That's fair enough, and yeah I expected that post to be referred to at best as an over-reaction. To me it isn't of course but then that's me and I do feel passionately about those who do things differently being simply allowed to do it. Not asking much.
To your other point, I'm well over and done with the Doylem 'incident'.
But, and this perhaps isn't clear, I was responding more specifically to the post by Clix Pix on page 36 of the January thread re: skipping over Valdores shots, 'manipulated' stuff and anything that doesn't remotely resemble a photograph(an obvious reference to my efforts)and the subsequent affect of that post - somebody else suggesting that those sort of 'photos' be posted elsewhere. I'm sorry but that really, really angers me. And just as you are entirely within your rights in feeling that I over-reacted, so do I feel that I am, in feeling some 'righteous anger' here.
Why does it matter that I or somebody else posts these. Fine, she's entitled to her opinion but she's not bloody entitled to say that they are not proper photos or do not in any way resemble photos.
And look at the affect of her post. Another chimes in openly saying that they, the 'photos, shouldn't even be here.
Yeah, it makes me angry. Very Angry. I expressed my feelings, yes, very passionately and you know, sometimes that doesn't go down too well, 'cause as you've said, it rocks the boat and we all want a nice, friendly community here. So what does that mean? Post 'normal' photos and the boat will never be put in a position where it can possibly be rocked?
Damn right it makes me angry. Angry for plenty of reasons.
Just two of which, to finish up on:
1. Ignorance, intolerance & un-informed opinions being proferred, and what they lead to unchallenged, and
2. That I now know I don't feel comfortable here and won't be posting 'anything that doesn't remotely resemble a photo' anymore. That's just how I feel and rightly or wrongly I suspect this thread is gonna be a happier place without me, 'cause if anybody else also thinks that photos such as mine belong somewhere else, well, I don't know what I'll say.
Just best to leave and you know, I really, really respect your opinion and your words and I will try to take on board as much as possible your perception of my latest 'response'.
You take care out there pdxflint!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2005
Before this goes on into a 14 page debate, I think everyone should be quiet (I was going to type somethng else, but thought against it:rolleyes:), and post pictures.

Here's to you, photoshoppers!

"Post Processing (Digital Film Development)"


How did you do that? Was your camera tethered? Or what? It is a very cool idea!

TIMTAM: Very pretty photo.

SHACKLEBOLT: Very creative, I like it a lot. Gives a great sense of action.


macrumors 68000
Dec 29, 2006
Monterey CA
In the past, only the most famous artists had their work viewed by more than a very few people.

Today, when art is posted, not only do a fair number of people see it, but they can instantly respond to it, chiming in instantly from all over the world. This is a huge change to say the least.

Anyone that puts themself out there is subject to scrutiny and therefore runs the risk that their work, even their very philosophy, is going to be criticized. It does not matter if this is fair or informed at all; it is part of the artistic process, part of any public process of any sort.

The more controversial or "off-beat" the artistic attempt is, the more likely it is to be unfavorably criticized. This is to be expected. How can it be different? It never will be.

Threatening to withhold one's work from a gallery is not a new concept! Neither are emotional responses by artists who feel their work is misunderstood.

Saying that those who dislike one's work are either, or both, old and stupid, or maybe even facists, is quite the infantile tantrum. Maybe this is purposeful, to pose one's self as an eccentric, thinking people equate this attribute with visionary art or even genius.

For me, it just shows insecurity and the attempt to promote one's eccentricity instead of the actual art.


macrumors member
Aug 19, 2006
My son Sam

My wife and I just got back from Guatemala visiting our son Sam whom we are adopting. We had just given him a bath when I snapped this.


  • Sam.JPG
    322.8 KB · Views: 111


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2008
Yep. Nice composure in that shot, Fett (has it been "hdr'd"?)

Here's another sunset shot. Taken on wreck beach. It's not a panorama, just a crop of a bigger original..



macrumors 6502
Nov 5, 2007
Calgary, AB
Yep. Nice composure in that shot, Fett (has it been "hdr'd"?)

Here's another sunset shot. Taken on wreck beach. It's not a panorama, just a crop of a bigger original..

Thanks. No HDR, just a technique I have been over using lately. I expose for the sky (sometimes over expose a stop or two) and then use my flash to fill in the foreground. I use an omnibounce and point the flash slightly away from my subject.

I really wish I was where you are taking sunsets. That's beautiful and even better it doesn't look like it's -20C.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2008
You'd have to live in Vancouver ;).

And that is certainly an interesting technique. I'm guessing you'd need more reflector boards etc. to make it look really natural, though..


macrumors 6502
Nov 5, 2007
Calgary, AB
You'd have to live in Vancouver ;).

And that is certainly an interesting technique. I'm guessing you'd need more reflector boards etc. to make it look really natural, though..

Hey Vancouver is still warmer than Calgary. I think once I can get my flash off my camera using the ebay radio trigger I ordered I'll be able to do a better job controlling the light.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
I've just about had enough of this and I have a feeling that this should be a parting shot from me before I depart this thread for good, 'cause it's just not on. Are you people gonna stand for this?

[rest of diatribe snipped]

My goodness, such a strong reaction! You might want to consider why the question I posed to Valdore, NOT to you (and in no place in my post was there any mention of you or your imagery) set you off....


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Planet Earth
they say a picture paints a thousand words, but over the last few days those thousand words have been typed.

I find that I don't like most HDR pictures, but some (where the HDR is not so heavy) are stunning. I don't spend as much time looking at them as I would for one of Doylem's landscapes (in fact I like them so much I even bought the book) or wouldn't download one for my desktop (as I did with the strawberry in a glass by fett, hope you don't mind). Everyone has there own taste, me for example, I just don't like Carl's pictures, I don't understand what they are and really don't see how the title fits in.

What I do love about this thread (all the photos of the day threads) is that people feel they can comment on another pictures, say what the like or dislike, say what is wrong with it or even point out it's a 'snap-shot' and people don't (in general) get upset by it. I'd be over the moon if somebody commented on one of my pictures (yes they are very few as I've only just started to think about the picture rather than just stick the camera in front of my face and click) even if it was to say "if you did this" or "did that" it would be better, because it would mean they took the time to look at it, even if it was only a glance.

I will add one thing, Carl don't leave the thread, keep posting you photographs. I never liked modern art until I saw 'Gold of the Azure' by Joan Miro, and now I have it hanging on the wall of my lounge (well a nice copy not the original :) ) so you never know one day I may see one of your and fall in love with it.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
I haven’t posted for a few days, ‘cos I’d be tempted to throw fuel on the fire, which, hopefully, will die down of its own accord.

Instead I’d just like to point out that, for those willing to listen, a forum like this is a valuable learning tool. 1) There are pictures to look at, admire and criticise... and 2) there’s instant feedback on your own work, which, if absorbed, will greatly speed up the progress from novice to half-decent photographer (which is where the fun really begins, IMO...).

I learned the basics of photography with film, plus trial & error. I wish I had all the film back that I ‘wasted’ taking really bad photos! This was pre-internet (hell, cameras were steam-driven when I started ;)), and if I’d had the opportunity to post pictures on a forum like this, and get some constructive criticism, I reckon I could have learned in six months what actually took me five years.

The willingness to listen to feedback is analogous to the ability to ‘see’: that is, we may have to set aside some preconceptions about our own work. If I post my pictures on a forum, or hang them in a gallery, or publish them in a book, then web-surfers, gallery visitors and the book-buying public have every right to voice their opinions about my pix... and those opinions might take the form of warm praise, indifference, extreme antagonism... maybe scorn, or a joke at my expense. It’s my right to ‘publish’; it’s their right to comment. In a Rudyard Kipling kind of way (think of ‘If...’), I accept praise and criticism; what I don’t like is indifference.

So I hope, like Scott, above, that people keep posting and commenting. If I have to restrict my comments to something gushing like “You’re absolutely marvellous and I worship the ground you walk on”, then I don’t think I’ll be bothering. Warm praise massages the ego; constructive criticism sharpens the resolve. Sermon over...


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

Dwelling on technique is like getting stuck in the surface of a picture. This is my kind of photo, ‘cos the surface ‘disappears’, and I can ‘inhabit’ the picture. Instead of thinking “what a beautiful picture”, I think “what a beautiful place”. The photographer disappears, the camera disappears, the surface of the photo disappears... and I can run my fingers over those old, weathered timbers. Maybe open the door, walk inside...

And it’s so beautifully lit. The sun seems to be coming from the right, hitting the building and ‘bouncing back’ towards the viewer. I know that wood isn’t what you’d call ‘reflective’, but the result would be a lot flatter and less revealing if the sun was coming from directly behind the photographer. It wouldn't have the 'glow'. This angle seems to accentuate every plank and nail and joint: no ‘technique’... just ‘seeing’ and choosing the best moment to press the shutter.


macrumors regular
Mar 19, 2007

Taken not 15 minutes ago from my dorm room using. I realise its been HDR'd, but I'd love some comments (good or bad) as I'm just getting in to this stuff! Thanks!
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