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macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2009
peabody - that's just not right. I haven't been able to make any Chinese food that tastes as good as that looks.

MCAV- great looking shot


macrumors 603
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
It's overall a decent image, and I like the composition. It appears to be processed as an HDR, am I right? The things that somehow catch my eye are that the building on the right appears to be leaning over toward the center and the left side of the market building seems to lean even more the further back in the frame you look. And a fair amount of purple color in the branches, I'm not sure if it's purple fringing, post-processing, or just from the pinkish/purplish color in the wispy clouds behind the tree, but it seems a bit unnatural. Also, I'm detecting a bit of haloing around the tower/building edges. I realize that with a wide-angle lens the "leaning" distortion is tough to avoid if you have to point the lens even slightly up to take in the view, and sometimes it's perfectly fine in a shot, but somehow it distracts me here.

So, for me--lots of things right, but just a couple of distractions.

Keep 'em coming. :)

Thanks for the feedback.

It wasn't an HDR... but I did use some post processing to saturate the sky a bit and bring out the pinkish/purple clouds (blue channel skewed slightly to magenta and saturation increased) and in doing so must have over-done it. I'll be more conservative in the future. I was trying to make the sky stand out to better represent how spectacular it was in person that evening.

The tower does appear to be leaning in. It was shot at 20mm using my 17-55mm f2.8 lens and I'm not sure if that amount of lens distortion is correct. In the future perhaps I should try using some post-production lens correction?

Cheers! :)


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2006
MCAV Amazing shot! Can't wait to get aperture so I can try this aswell...

As you can see from this HDR there is a gery overcast I could really do without!



macrumors 6502a
I really like this. I think the light on the right is a little hot, maybe could have been moved further away from the wall (if it was intentional), but I love the feeling of the photo.

Here's one of mine:


Nikon D90 w/ Sigma 24-70 f2.8
Studio strobe behind backdrop to camera left

thanks :) yeah i did do one without that, but it just didnt seen to like right... i also used slight vignetting in photoshop to maybe die it down a little but i thought i'd just post that one in the end :) thanks though, i have a load like this, just when i get round to it i'll go through and get the best :D

nice photo yourself, beautiful lighting + a lovely gradient of light across the front of the model :)


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
As you can see from this HDR there is a gery overcast I could really do without!

Grey? Overcast?? The light looks fantastic! No need to reach for the HDR... or any other PP gimmick. HDR is a creative cul-de-sac for 95% of pix. Explore the light and the landscape, instead, and try to get things right in the camera. Maybe hide the sun behind some tree branches, 'cos a bright, blown-out sun becomes a white 'hole' in the middle of the image that just produces flare and reduces definition.



macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2006
Grey? Overcast?? The light looks fantastic! No need to reach for the HDR... or any other PP gimmick. HDR is a creative cul-de-sac for 95% of pix. Explore the light and the landscape, instead, and try to get things right in the camera. Maybe hide the sun behind some tree branches, 'cos a bright, blown-out sun becomes a white 'hole' in the middle of the image that just produces flare and reduces definition.

Thanks for the feedback. Now I've gained some confidence I'll post the other image I took!

By the way I didn't mean that the sky was overcast but simply that there is a grey tinge to the whole picture. Not quite sure how to get rid of it!



macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
By the way I didn't mean that the sky was overcast but simply that there is a grey tinge to the whole picture. Not quite sure how to get rid of it!

Having the sun in the picture, while it is so high in the sky, is creating all kinds of flare in your pic. The light is scattering all over the place, which has the effect of reducing definition and draining the colour from the scene. You're asking too much of your camera! It can't cope! Wait while the sun is behind a cloud, or partly hidden, or hide it yourself by changing the composition.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2007
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
I really like this


I've downloaded the Aperture 3 trial and had some time to play with it today to see how far I can push/pull images (it's a holiday in Ontario). This is a re-process of a field I shot last summer. While it is over the top on saturation, I'm impressed how far it can be pushed before clipping occurs. The final image is closer to the perceived brilliance and saturation of the observed scene.

I have ordered AP 3 and look forward to exploring it. You say you've oversaturated your shot, but you know, sometimes it just works out. I like your shot... a lot! Happy Family day!


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Readying for the big surf, Nelscott Breaks, Oregon


Model: NIKON D300
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/500 sec
Aperture: 4.0
Focal Length: 300mm


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Thanks dlegend, acearchie and barryj for your positive comments. Here is another from the broken fence series.
This is real nice. I even like the HDR technique you've added. Care to share a wallpaper sized version?
Jones Beach Snack Shack
I don't totally dislike this, except the glow around the shack. But did you by chance zoom out and capture more of the background? I wonder what it would do for the picture.


macrumors 65816
Jun 7, 2008
My first upload to the photo section of macrumors. Frost from a few weeks ago.


  • Pine needles w frost.jpg
    Pine needles w frost.jpg
    320 KB · Views: 82

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Quincy Market in downtown Boston at dusk (feedback encouraged!)


Here's another pic from my recent trip to Boston... Faneuil Hall at dusk...


^^^ Very nice photos of Boston, especially the last one of Faneuil Hall. Great colors. I lived in the Boston area for about 5 years. Photo Op after Photo Op. Thanks.


Seacliff State Beach
Santa Cruz,CA

^^^ Nice use of color and silhouette. Do you know what kind of boat that is? Looks a bit out of my price range...



macrumors 6502a
more from my friend in his studio. Wanted some noir style low key lighting shots with ciggarettes... one of the nicest. Will post the rest over the nest few days :) Again, lucky enough to use the 5DMKI and a nice 85mm 1.8!
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