Wow, great perspective and such a clean shot. Well done.
In Canada and US (Alaska) sled dogs are used for both skijoring and sled races. While the races take place each winter, every few years there is an international event with participants from around the world.Locally we use horses or rather a horse. Coming up next weekend, maybe it'll be warmer than -20°C and I'll be motivated to try for some pics.
Yeah, the DFD just looks like it’s not working because of the fluttering, but it usually grabs a sharp photo when you fire the shutter. I’ve heard that the only thing holding DFD back is processing power. The more of that the camera has, the faster it can cycle and acquire focus. It’s also supposed to be really good at low light focus, where phase detect can often fall short.Flight… A BIF with a wide zoom.
Gul in FLight (GIF) over Salford Quays by Jason Hindle, on Flickr
Panasonic GX9 and 12-60 kit zoom. Always leaned more towards the Olympus colours but got this eBay bargain out of curiosity. The DFD tracking focus can produce remarkable result while appearing not to work at all…
Great shot. I like the the Bay Bridge. It's prettier than the Golden gate. It has a work horse shine.My latest from the Yerba Buena Island, between both spans of the Bay Bridge in San Francisco last weekend.
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