1st time trying out an ND filter. Not really sure of what i was doing so lots and lots of deletes lol. This one I thought wasn't too bad. C&C very welcome
DSC_3368.jpg by Kamerynn, on Flickr

1st time trying out an ND filter. Not really sure of what i was doing so lots and lots of deletes lol. This one I thought wasn't too bad. C&C very welcome
[url=https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2900/14563053711_2da76e778f_b.jpg]Image[/url]DSC_3368.jpg by Kamerynn, on Flickr
It works for me. How many stops and what brand if you don't mind me asking? I'm trying to decide on a ND filter at the moment. Cheaper to get just a 10 stop, but a 4 and 6 gives you different options.
Meh, I'm still trying my hand at pin-up style. These are my first attempts thoughts?
Are you enjoying shooting with the D300?
What a visually intriguing photo. Well done!