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macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
Interesting... For some reason I didn't think about light painting, but, when you mentioned it, I had a Homer Simpson moment. Doh!

It's something I've never tried... but I will... I like pre-production rather than post-production: getting it right 'in camera'. I love the deep blacks you're getting, the 'chiaroscuro' effect, and it's something that can be applied to many subjects. Right... where's my torch?

Thank you. I just popped into this pub, with camera still on the tripod, and the old guy caught my eye. He obviously has some mental health problems (he seemed to be looking at something in his imagination, and was quite animated). He's a regular in the pub...

The pictures on the wall are some of the jazz musicians who've played there over the years.

"Master"... I like it ... ;)

Get ready to expand your collection of torches. This summer I am going to expand on this outdoors using larger objects and much longer exposure times. This means I will be adding a 3 million candle torch to the collection.

Getting it right in pre-processing has always been the trick no? Post-processing is simply another tool in my kit that allows me to express my creativity in ways that would otherwise be impossible or extremely difficult / expensive to set up. Hopefully, I will be able to improve both the pre and post skills over time and while gleaning ideas and tips from those such as yourself and others on this amazing thread. :D


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
4th largest city in the USA

Cosmos is a genus of about 20-26 species of annual and perennial plants in the family Asteraceae, native to scrub and meadow areas in Mexico (where the bulk of the species occur), the southern United States (Arizona, Florida), Central America and northern South America south to Paraguay.


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macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2007
Cedar Park, TX
Ok #4 in the series. This one was definitely going for the fashion aspect, but it's so hard with lego men to show high fashion... Let me know what you think!



macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Ok #4 in the series. This one was definitely going for the fashion aspect, but it's so hard with lego men to show high fashion... Let me know what you think!


For me there is nothing here to suggest fashion. Perhaps if you had made a little model of a fashion runway and placed him on it...complete with audience of other lego people...?? That might seem like a lot of work, but pain no gain. Also, the figure really seems insignificant in the frame. All of that space behind him and the massive amount of background information diminishes his presence.

I think you need to push this series much harder. For example, in your last shot (the one with the camera), the figure and the camera seem haphazardly combined. What if the camera were turned on and displaying a shot of some lego figure(s) posing, and the lego guy standing next to the camera could be leaning on the button of a shutter release remote?? Or maybe the display could show a shot of another lego figure banging on the glass to get attention or to get out?? What if in the shot with the climber, we were seeing him from above, and waaaay down below we could see a lego guy who has fallen? Or what if we were looking up from beneath him and could see beyond him to something at the top that he's trying to reach? These are just ideas that come off the top of my head; I'm sure you can think of many other possible scenarios. Your shots will be a lot more interesting if they hint at a narrative, but at least try to get the subject/background balance right.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

Gotta agree... I don't think you've begun to see the potential of Lego men and women. Start again and create an alternative world for these little guys to inhabit. Think laterally... get drunk... brainstorm... ;)


macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2007
Cedar Park, TX
For me there is nothing here to suggest fashion. Perhaps if you had made a little model of a fashion runway and placed him on it...complete with audience of other lego people...?? That might seem like a lot of work, but pain no gain. Also, the figure really seems insignificant in the frame. All of that space behind him and the massive amount of background information diminishes his presence.

I think you need to push this series much harder. For example, in your last shot (the one with the camera), the figure and the camera seem haphazardly combined. What if the camera were turned on and displaying a shot of some lego figure(s) posing, and the lego guy standing next to the camera could be leaning on the button of a shutter release remote?? Or maybe the display could show a shot of another lego figure banging on the glass to get attention or to get out?? What if in the shot with the climber, we were seeing him from above, and waaaay down below we could see a lego guy who has fallen? Or what if we were looking up from beneath him and could see beyond him to something at the top that he's trying to reach? These are just ideas that come off the top of my head; I'm sure you can think of many other possible scenarios. Your shots will be a lot more interesting if they hint at a narrative, but at least try to get the subject/background balance right.


Gotta agree... I don't think you've begun to see the potential of Lego men and women. Start again and create an alternative world for these little guys to inhabit. Think laterally... get drunk... brainstorm... ;)

I totally get where you guys are coming from. We had a short quarter due to snow days so we really didn't have time to discuss what we were doing and where we wanted to go with it. And with only one week, building sets was not an option lol. With this being my first quarter I didn't have any classes where I could build on my advertising ideas, so I can definitely see this series getting better and more elaborate. I thank you guys for letting me know your feelings that's why I love this place because it helps me grow. The last one in this project is by far my favorite, but it doesn't exactly go with the series, it's just great for hanging up on the wall :p


macrumors 68000
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.

Gotta agree... I don't think you've begun to see the potential of Lego men and women. Start again and create an alternative world for these little guys to inhabit. Think laterally... get drunk... brainstorm... ;)


Speaking of Lego and being drunk, here's one a I did a while ago…



macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
Finally able to take some photos for me. I've had a big old heavy tripod for a while but, being so heavy and without a quick release head it doesn't see as much use as it should. Inspired by Doylem's never shoot without a tripod and Phrasikleia's macro flowers I went to grab some with the hopes of posting before March is over.
I'm happy with this one because it was a so random. I had my digital body ready for birds, 80-200mm with a 2xTC making it a 400mm MF lens, while i was walking around with a film body trying to get some macro shots with a "macro" lens + extension tubes. Well I saw this, and I must admit my ability to focus manually at 400mm and not get any motion blur hand held has been at best a failure. I'm now a true believer in the Tripod the difference it made in the number of keeper shots is staggering.
This is about a 60% crop of the original image


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macrumors newbie
Feb 10, 2009
quick question!

ok ive posted a couple photos but have noticed on each one that theyre all so small compared to the others that everyone else has posted. i went to reply to post, then attached the pic then submitted it. im probably doing something wrong. anyone want to help me out?


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
ok ive posted a couple photos but have noticed on each one that theyre all so small compared to the others that everyone else has posted. i went to reply to post, then attached the pic then submitted it. im probably doing something wrong. anyone want to help me out?

Instead of attaching the photo, click the button that looks like a little mountain with a sun over it (the yellow button in the reply interface). You'll then have to paste in the URL of the photo, which means the photo needs to be hosted somewhere on the internet already.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
More point 'n shoot...

A shot with my now-ancient, but not yet retired Canon A95. Portland, OR airport (pdx) while waiting for my flight.


Model: Canon PowerShot A95
ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/80 sec
Aperture: 2.8
Focal Length: 7.8mm


macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2007
Cedar Park, TX

Speaking of Lego and being drunk, here's one a I did a while ago…


Nice! This is hilarious! If I would have hat time I would have made sets, but this is great lol

I like this! Very mysterious and unknown. I'll take a guess, smoke from a campfire? :p

Ok Last shot in the series. This is by far my favorite shot. Let me know what you think!

Bite Me


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
4th largest city in the USA

is there room for one more?

Phylum, Arthropoda; Class, Insecta; Order, Hemiptera

Milkweed bugs are colored orange (or orange-red) and black.
They have a long proboscis which they use to pierce the seed and inject salivary enzymes used to digest their food.


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