What a great shot!
I'll add my voice to those here who have claimed you have a style all your own. Technical abilities of the 6D (or any equipment) aside, the creativity here is what makes this shot (more so than the fact that it's a composite, or whatever).
How do you go about setting up for such a shot (inquiring minds and all)? I'm assuming that's you in the photo, which means you are setting up the camera and any additional lighting, and firing off remotely. While I've found that to be manageable for what I'll call "regular shots", for something like this, with compositing, a change of costume (??) and background...How'd you manage it all? What's your process? Did you have anyone helping out?
Hope you don't mind me asking...
This is Moondancer, my little boat. Not mine in the sense that I own it, but merely that I identify with it. Its on its mooring throughout the year, come rain or shine, turning this way and that with the wind... and I think I admire its resilience. Never seen anyone using it... so it can carry on being mine...
Today's effort. Yet another Newport Beach pier/sunset... I promise I'll move on to new subject matter soon!
IMG_0447 by Puckman2012, on Flickr
Toronto Zoo. Japanese macaque are hands down the coolest animals to observe, they have such a dense aura of "I don't give a ****", you can cut it with a knife.
Untitled by FriskyFreeze, on Flickr