Southern Breakfast Room by xmunos, on Flickr
X-Pro1 and a $25 Fujian 35mm CCTV lens. Funny and fun combo!
Kirkoswald, a village in the Eden Valley. Between the church and the village is this little hill. Instead of building the church's bell-tower in the usual place (ie on top of the church), it was sited on top of the hill... so when the church bells rang, everyone would hear them. Clever...
Kirkoswald, a village in the Eden Valley. Between the church and the village is this little hill. Instead of building the church's bell-tower in the usual place (ie on top of the church), it was sited on top of the hill... so when the church bells rang, everyone would hear them. Clever...
Another one from Comic-Con. I love Star Wars so although this was a day out for my daughter, I got lots of photos. This is the first time I have shot people (well sort of) since getting my DSLR. Most of them were very happy to pose! Comments always welcome.[url=http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7447/11018570043_39d13b9e5a_b.jpg]Image[/URL]
Nice pic. Just a thought, but to my mind, this would benefit from a more shallow depth of field to make the eye focus on the subject of the picture rather than wander off to the slightly underwhelming background.
Another one from Comic-Con. I love Star Wars so although this was a day out for my daughter, I got lots of photos. This is the first time I have shot people (well sort of) since getting my DSLR. Most of them were very happy to pose! Comments always welcome.
A very unusual set up. Kind of makes me wonder why they didn't build the church somewhere else? Anyway a lovely warm landscape as always.
Shot yesterday at Long Beach Comic Con
327/365. by chris.alcoran, on Flickr
Glad I'm not the only geek on Macrumors!
Joe, just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying your pictures of the Dublin Airport. Makes me want to head to Dublin just to check it out. Someday, I'll get to Ireland. Gotta have goals! Cheers
Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, I'm not a pro. I just saw this pic of a sunset and took a pic on my iPhone 5s, it's not easy trying to avoid camera shake on the 5s camera...