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Red-bellied Woodpecker


I've been after one of these guys for ages. They normally stay far too high in the trees for a decent shot. This one landed on a cedar fence just long enough for me to get one shot.

Not sure why it's called "red-bellied" except that "red-headed" was already taken by a different species of woodpecker. And, no...I didn't paint-in that hairdo.
Kirkoswald, a village in the Eden Valley. Between the church and the village is this little hill. Instead of building the church's bell-tower in the usual place (ie on top of the church), it was sited on top of the hill... so when the church bells rang, everyone would hear them. Clever...

Another one from Comic-Con. I love Star Wars so although this was a day out for my daughter, I got lots of photos. This is the first time I have shot people (well sort of) since getting my DSLR. Most of them were very happy to pose! Comments always welcome.


Kirkoswald, a village in the Eden Valley. Between the church and the village is this little hill. Instead of building the church's bell-tower in the usual place (ie on top of the church), it was sited on top of the hill... so when the church bells rang, everyone would hear them. Clever...


A very unusual set up. Kind of makes me wonder why they didn't build the church somewhere else? Anyway a lovely warm landscape as always.

Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, I'm not a pro. I just saw this pic of a sunset and took a pic on my iPhone 5s, it's not easy trying to avoid camera shake on the 5s camera...
Kirkoswald, a village in the Eden Valley. Between the church and the village is this little hill. Instead of building the church's bell-tower in the usual place (ie on top of the church), it was sited on top of the hill... so when the church bells rang, everyone would hear them. Clever...


This must be a bit of a rarity! A church not built on the highest ground, so as to command the greatest audience possible. :eek:
Humpback Whale fluke


Probably the greatest thrill of our trip to Newfoundland was seeing Humpback Whales. Ranging from 12 - 16 m (40 - 50 ft.) in length and weighing around 36,000 kg (80,000 lbs.), they are an incredible sight.

This fluke would be approximately 4 - 5 m wide and came up out of the water at the start of a terminal dive.
Another one from Comic-Con. I love Star Wars so although this was a day out for my daughter, I got lots of photos. This is the first time I have shot people (well sort of) since getting my DSLR. Most of them were very happy to pose! Comments always welcome.[url=]Image[/URL]

Nice pic. Just a thought, but to my mind, this would benefit from a more shallow depth of field to make the eye focus on the subject of the picture rather than wander off to the slightly underwhelming background.
Another one from Comic-Con. I love Star Wars so although this was a day out for my daughter, I got lots of photos. This is the first time I have shot people (well sort of) since getting my DSLR. Most of them were very happy to pose! Comments always welcome.


A very unusual set up. Kind of makes me wonder why they didn't build the church somewhere else? Anyway a lovely warm landscape as always.

Great potential here. Crop it vertical off the camera left elbow, removing the "white tower" and burn in the background to the camera right of the subject. It would really pull that guy to the front of the image.


Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, I'm not a pro. I just saw this pic of a sunset and took a pic on my iPhone 5s, it's not easy trying to avoid camera shake on the 5s camera...

You're not doing anything wrong at all Siderz but if you think you're doing something wrong then...join the club. Nice sunset shot and thanks for sharing.

Thanks! This is the final one in set:

Dublin Airport VI by picturesbyJOE, on Flickr

You finished this set on a tremendous high note Joe. Wow...I love this creative and very well executed shot!

~ Peter
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