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Photo-6452 by Tragesty, on Flickr

That is a good looking' Zombie - in that he / she / it looks scary! I thought that was a cool capture. Kinda has the flesh of a recently dead fish. Gotta love all hallows eve.



I grew up in Labrador... and the northern lights were an almost nightly affair. I haven't seen them in such a long time so your photo evoked some really pleasant memories. THEN I noticed the dipper in amongst the dancers! This is such a nice "northern" shot. I've mentioned previously, you capture the colours of the north in such a great way and having that Alaskan scenery sure helps eh? Your composition is just spot on. Good on ya.



Thanks, Barry!
I have to ask, where did you shoot this? You've posted a couple of insanely beautiful ones. My guess is central/eastern Europe... but had to ask. Thanks!


Yes, central Europe. Most of my photos in this October thread were taken in Slovenia. The one you quoted is a view of Lake Bled. Thanks for your kind words. :)

The usual name, in England, is 'cairn': a pile of stones generally marking a summit, or path, or junction of paths... or sometimes there's no particular reason except for an easy availability of stones and idle hands. ;)

I don't mind cairns 'on the tops', but some people are making seats and benches and memorials on Lakeland summits... which can look out of place.

This little cairn doesn't mark a summit (if you're interested in a more creative interpretation of cairns, check out the work of Andy Goldsworthy)...


Beautiful photo, Doylem. Many thanks for the information; it's nice to have a name to use instead of saying "rock pile." I like your comparison with Goldsworthy's creations, with which I'm very familiar. I knew of him even before I started studying art history, having first seen his work in person at a retrospective in San Jose, California many years ago. Yes, they actually had a whole floor of his work set up as installations inside a museum. Terrific show.

Here's a closer view of the idols in front of the candle lit steps.


Great job on the exposure here. Not an easy scene to shoot. Fascinating, whatever it is!


I'm not a big fan of extensive post-processing, but I feel this shot could benefit from a little work: to boost the red in that fantastic sky, straighten up the tower and bring a little more detail back into the shadows. The pic could have a lot more 'punch', I reckon...

I agree with Doylem. His edited version is more impressive. This photo is a good example of how a strong silhouette can help anchor a sunset photo and thereby make the photo more successful. Big Ben is a terrific silhouette to put in front of such an incredible sky because it 'reads' so well. The illuminated clock face also adds a nice bit of detail and contrast. In such cases, however, it helps if you can get your 'anchor' into the frame a bit more. The tower is really marginalized with this framing, making the photo seem unbalanced.

This is my current background image on my iMac.


Quite lovely! I'd probably like it even more with the front row of candles a bit further from the left margin, but it's still great.

Great use of the ol' zoom trick. I don't think I've seen it done with pumpkins before. A really fun photo!
Great job on the exposure here. Not an easy scene to shoot. Fascinating, whatever it is!


Quite lovely! I'd probably like it even more with the front row of candles a bit further from the left margin, but it's still great.

It is the front of a Hindu temple with the idols set up for Diwali celebration. If you go back a bit more you can see the whole temple with and without fireworks that I shared.

The candle picture I may have one composed with the ones in front a bit further in, but not a lot more.
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