Another yard macro shot with the Nikon 105mm macro lens/D7100

Snap Dragon by wwsakall, on Flickr
Another yard macro shot with the Nikon 105mm macro lens/D7100

Snap Dragon by wwsakall, on Flickr
Reminds me of a scene from the show CSI.
Awesome! I have always love the sky here. Especially sunsets! Great shot!
Welcome back Alex... Great re-entry.
So how close are you for this one? I'm thinking the white base is actually fly paper!
I rarely get out to take pictures when I'm in the Bay Area, but some friends coerced me into joining them on an outing to shoot the Golden Gate Bridge. I turned my nose up at the idea at first because I have a strong aversion to shooting in locations that are always crawling with photographers. I much prefer peaceful environments and scenes that I've never seen photographed. So I was pretty happy when a bit of hiking provided both, despite the unfavorable odds at such an iconic location.
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Easy to say when you live in such a beautiful place!
But seriously I'm finding a lot of places near to where I live that I didn't know existed for the last 10 years (how long I've been in the Midlands).
I rarely get out to take pictures when I'm in the Bay Area, but some friends coerced me into joining them on an outing to shoot the Golden Gate Bridge. I turned my nose up at the idea at first because I have a strong aversion to shooting in locations that are always crawling with photographers. I much prefer peaceful environments and scenes that I've never seen photographed. So I was pretty happy when a bit of hiking provided both, despite the unfavorable odds at such an iconic location.
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I rarely get out to take pictures when I'm in the Bay Area, but some friends coerced me into joining them on an outing to shoot the Golden Gate Bridge. I turned my nose up at the idea at first because I have a strong aversion to shooting in locations that are always crawling with photographers. I much prefer peaceful environments and scenes that I've never seen photographed. So I was pretty happy when a bit of hiking provided both, despite the unfavorable odds at such an iconic location.
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Not the best time of day to be out taking landscape pictures, but I didn't have much control over that. Deadvlei is one of the most spectacular locations I have ever seen, hidden amongst some of the tallest sand dunes in the world. Incredible!
Settings: 1/200, /4, ISO 200, @ 21mm
I rarely get out to take pictures when I'm in the Bay Area, but some friends coerced me into joining them on an outing to shoot the Golden Gate Bridge. I turned my nose up at the idea at first because I have a strong aversion to shooting in locations that are always crawling with photographers. I much prefer peaceful environments and scenes that I've never seen photographed. So I was pretty happy when a bit of hiking provided both, despite the unfavorable odds at such an iconic location.
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I'll admit that I'm lucky to live in one of the most beautiful regions in England, but pictures are everywhere! It's about attitude... and observation, IMO. If you can see your neighbourhood with 'new eyes', like a tourist seeing something for the first time, the pix will come.
Typical autumn weather yesterday...
I rarely get out to take pictures when I'm in the Bay Area, but some friends coerced me into joining them on an outing to shoot the Golden Gate Bridge. I turned my nose up at the idea at first because I have a strong aversion to shooting in locations that are always crawling with photographers. I much prefer peaceful environments and scenes that I've never seen photographed. So I was pretty happy when a bit of hiking provided both, despite the unfavorable odds at such an iconic location.
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I've never seen Newfoundland looking so blue !Mine for today... a former dragon fly caught in a web of deceit... actually "de spider".