this is really good color and contrast from this film. home scans are the way to go from what i’ve seen, which i know you do. i have some 35mm i still need to try.
Indeed, that's exactly what I'm planning to do. For today's launch day photo walk, the local reseller and lab had us each shoot a roll, which they immediately processed and scanned, so it took less than an hour for us to see the results. I'd been planning beforehand to later do a scan at home myself and compare with the lab scans—from what they told us, for Phoenix they actually set up the scanner to scan the film as a positive, and then use an automated preset in Photoshop to invert the colors, which they say produces better results than scanning as a negative in the first place. After seeing the results though, I immediately bought another roll of 120 Phoenix, shot the entire roll in less than an hour, and took it back home to develop myself, since I also want to compare how my development process stacks up. I'll be leaving a post in the film photography thread tomorrow after I get my comparisons done tomorrow.
Oh, and I'd love to know your Caffenol recipe!