That... makes me quite thirsty.
The last time I had something in a glass like that it was Maredsous 10, and I really don't remember much after the third one.
With that kind of endorsement, I have to find one!
Yes, you do. It is liquid crack cocaine.
Last month I found this which is a completely different type of beer but it reminds me of the Maredsous in its sweetness. For a double IPA I found it gentle on the hops, actually. However, at 12% ABV I would not classify it as gentle in any other way. But very, very good.
The good thing about being unemployed is that you don't need to stop drinking at 6:30am on a Sunday morning. That's why I drink the 7.2% abc Sierra Nevada Torpedo. The only thing I have to look forward to in about 4 hours Binny's Beverage Depot opening up so I can fuel my alcoholism.
All the way to CA for Jolly Pumpkin?
They don't distribute in TX and I really like their beer. Is that so wrong?