As a person who owns 2 MK4 VWs and who's 4 closest friends drive MK4 Jettas, I'd never want to be associated with that.
This is how you make a MK4 look nice:
Just have to wait for the snow to go away to mount my r32 sideskirts and get my spacers on the wheels.
It was an example dude and... Each to their own eh?
Anyway, Mine would be done differently as me and my bro are somewhat perfectionists!
But That's the style I like - aka Euro/German Style.
Smaller rims on stretched low profile rubber, Debadged, Smoothed, De-seamed, Dropped/Slammed/Lowered ( w/e you wanna go with lol )
NO spoiler, A nice paint job and smokey tinted windows ( NOT fully tinted lol )
And personally, I'm going to install a more Audiophile based stereo rather than a full on ice install.
I'ld rather have a lovely crisp, Natural sounding system that provides just enough bass to compliment what's coming through the component speakers.
That Bora looks lovely by the way, Looks like its in mint condition from here.