Cute shots, but take a look at the door on the first shot. That's exactly what I'm talking about with Apple's over-aggressive noise reduction. It looks terrible and distracting. And that's not even a really low light shot. Or look closely at the carpet on the porcupine shot above. It looks like someone did Paint-By-Numbers on it. iPhone cameras did not used to exhibit this effect and I'm very sad they do now.
Some pics from Cars n coffee Saturday and then a meet Saturday night.
Holy CRAP, it's the HAMPTON BEER OUTLET! lol
I've seen a maroon McClaren MP4-12C rolling around Pittsburgh, but not this orange one.
Again...they ruin a perfectly good super car by getting a convertible...chumps.
Maroon is gone. The owner sold it to upgrade to the orange one.
@r8pro on instagram is the owner.
Right, they always were, that's why I'm upset with what I'm seeing now out of the 6/6 Plus camera. I'm saying it looks like they threw up their hands and gave in to the temptation because it's the "easy" way to eliminate grain, and it sucks. I personally would prefer to see the grain, you can always apply NR yourself later but once it's baked into the photo you're stuck with it, you can't back it off. I wish they would at least let you control the amount of NR applied, a slider or something. Bleh.
Great pics! Thanks for sharing
I'm loving all the cat photos ##
How recently was it sold? I just saw a Maroon convertible like two weekends ago. It was a gentleman at least 65-70 years old around Southside Works in Pittsburgh.
Came across some really cool flowers
two more
Is anyone else having an insane trying to upload pics here?
Can't do it on my 6 Plus.
Here are some of my first photos with my new iPhone 6 !
[url=]Image[/url]IMG_0015 by the208luke, on Flickr
[url=]Image[/url]IMG_0012 by the208luke, on Flickr
[url=]Image[/url]IMG_0007 by the208luke, on Flickr