Lol, no bud, just no.If we don’t make changes and try new options then we will never explore new frontiers. That’s just the natural progression of technology.
We’d have never reached the moon or even think about going to mars if we were content with “what works”. This is just natural human instinct.
Also, the tech industry wants to survive and move forward. If people start being happy with what we already have then the industry will just die due to lack of direction and innovation.
Look, I am all for trying new things but not by just forcing them on people.
When cars went from Cassette to CD players there was a transition period.
When we went from 2G to 3G, there was a transition period.
I could go on.
The difference in the above is that the newer one was infinitely better and more efficient than what it was replacing.
Bluetooth replacing wireless is not efficient, at least not right now. The Bluetooth devices require charging and more Admin to take care of than their wired counterparts.
It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Why takeaway the 3.5mm headphones jack, then put a 3.5mm adapter in the box when you can have BOTH in the phone without losing anything and allowing choice.
It makes no sense.
I have both options on my Note8 and on a daily basis I choose wired. The Bluetooth headphones do havea cool factor about them, and the lessening of wires is nice, but then I have to bring an extra charger for the bloody headphones and so on, adding more wires toy pocket anyway.
To this day I have not heard a single good reason for the consumer with regards to the 3.5mm jack removal, inhave heard plenty of great reason for the Phone Makers though, but none for us consumers.
Putting a battery to make the telephone mobile, THAT was moving forward, putting a GPS chip, Camera, and high quality display on a Phone, THAT was moving forward.
Removing a feature like the 3.5mm jack and then saying a technology that could easily coexist with it is the replacement, that is moving Backwards.
My old Sony Ericsson K850i and Nokia N80 had BT Audio, no jack and a 3.5mm jack adapter in the box.... Just saying.
You're drunk, go back to Prodigits dude