But laughs aside, that's yet another Google-hardware issue: quality control. I hope they invest in better panels for the 3.
Rumor has it that Google is using LG again for panels, really the only other contender for that job is Samsung and they are tied up with the iPhone. Well... I did read another rumor that Apple was going to get their OLED panels from LG as well because Samsung was gouging them. Hmm, 2018 may turn out to be the year of crappy screens for everyone.
Pixel 3:
Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL leak out entirely in new 360-degree renders
Wow that's horrible, I just cannot understand the huge chasm between Google and reality. The pixel 1 or 2 didn't exactly fly off the shelves, even though they had them with carriers, marketed them heavily and enjoyed huge raves among the tech elite for having vanilla android. Those bottom bezels are atrocious. While I'm actually a notch fan, that notch is way too tall. At least it looks like they tamed the side bezels. But seriously, for a company that raised the price of their in house phone so much, they have parted with reality by making such junk. At this point Google must think it's HTC or something, oh wait did HTC design these for Google?
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