Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Yuck!

Not notches themselves. When I had the X I really stopped seeing it when I was using the phone, except when I tried to watch a movie on it once and then, yeah, it was awful and I had to zoom out and make the picture smaller and letter boxed.

But it was bearable.
What’s making me sick to my stomach is the very idea Google or any Android manufacturer would think that’s a necessary design choice, let alone one that is desirable and needs copying. I didn’t even think it was a great idea for Essential to make that little bump that reminds me of that thing that hangs down in the back of our throat. Apparently, neither did Essential and they had a design that didn’t need it that hadn’t been ready to implement last year. Or perhaps they decided it was too bold to implement until they saw the clone circus that’s starting to happen around the notch. I’m looking forward to Essential coming out with the pop up camera to get rid of their notch.
I don’t care if Android makers never come out with the same kind of Face ID apparatus Apple has. I find my fingerprint scanner on my Pixel 2 much more convenient and effective than Face ID was. And I was one of the lucky people for whom Face ID worked really well, until something went wonky and it stopped working and I had to re-register my face. A software issue, I presume.
Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with a top bezel. There’s nothing wrong with small bezels at all. They’re lovely. We just didn’t need ones that were two centimeters thick anymore. That’s the problem with any new movement, it always gets carried to unnecessary extremes. Whether it’s social, or political or a campaign to reduce bezels, some fruitcake always carries it too far and then a bunch of sheep jump on the bandwagon.
I never thought Samsung would be the one to show originality and restraint, but there you have it.