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Has there been any more progress on this front? I have a TON of HD quality rips that I've also re-encoded to smaller resolutions so they'll work on my iPhone. I'd love to be able to have them combined into one entry in iTunes though so as to not mess up my library. Would love to hear if anybody has tried and had success with this.
Nobody has had anymore luck on this front? I've been toying around with it, but haven't been able to get iTunes to see the two files as a single file. Anyone else been trying that might be able to combine brainpower with me to figure this out?
I've had luck with adding a CNID to a film, however I'm not sure if I'm doing it in such a manner that I'm damaging part of the file or not (adding it through a hex editor). I was unable to get iTunes to see the files as one though, so I'm not sure if I'm missing a step. Anybody who has an HD TV show / movie care to open it up in a hex editor and take screen shots of the associated parts where CNID is mentioned? See if maybe we can't figure out what needs to be done?
Still hoping to get this to work. Anyone....anybody at all, have ANY luck with taking 3rd party content and getting it to sync up properly in iTunes? Would love to put together some type of tutorial so that everyone can take advantage of this!
Still hoping to get this to work. Anyone....anybody at all, have ANY luck with taking 3rd party content and getting it to sync up properly in iTunes? Would love to put together some type of tutorial so that everyone can take advantage of this!

I've been meaning to take a look when I get a chance... I dont think its the CNID that makes iTunes see them as one title. I beleive the key is in modifying the plist contained in the iTunMOVI atom.
Okay, I've tried doing some research but have been having some difficulty locating how to either A) view the iTUNmovi atom, or B) how I would edit it. Has ANYBODY made any other progress on this? I've been scouring the net trying to find people who might have had better luck, but it's looking glim.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'm more than willing to put the time into testing / trying stuff out just until we get it right!
The MP4v2 project ( is working on this as well... so far they have gotten the HD logo visible in iTunes (hdvd tag). I think they were the first to do so if you think you have something to offer, I'd get in touch with one of the administrators (a few work on Handbrake as well).
Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I think I have figured out which tags are needed in order to have SD and HD shows displayed as one. I am implementing this at the moment for my own app. (see or

It all comes down to two tags:

1. both videos need the same cnID
2. one of the videos needs the hdvd tag set to 1 (0x1)

When the tags are set the videos have to be reimported. Just telling iTunes to reload the metadata from file is not enough.

Can anyone verify this?

Proper? I'm not sure of....


I was able to create a CNID of my own in a file after some fudging around. I've included a link to a screen shot showing how I managed to add the CNID in. Basically, I tagged enough of the file to find where the tag information would be located in a hex editor. Then I just copy / pasted the CNID info from another file that iTunes had already tagged in, changed the number component, and called it a day.

I'm using a Windows box, so if anyone knows of an easier way to edit this please let me know! Also, I haven't mucked around with the MP4v2 stuff yet, so if anyone has had success, please leave a post! Thanks!
I talked with one of the developers working on the mp4v2 project earlier today. He is working on adding the ability to add/change cnID info; if you look at their revision notes you can see he's been slowly adding all the pieces necessary. The SVN code can already set the hdvd tag to 1, which adds the HD logo in iTunes.

Once it is in place, we'll be able to run the files through mp4v2 and sync the cnIDs and flag the hdvd tag on the HD file and call it a day. In the meantime, I've started encoding both a HD and Universal (SD) version from my HD-DVD/Blurays in anticipation. :)
So have you tested and confirmed that setting the same CNID and the HDVD tag to 1 allows the movies to be synced / seen as one entry in iTunes? This would be VERY good news if that's the case!

Also, is MP4v2 going to be Windows compatiable? I know that if you build it from source it should work, but I haven't taken the time to download Visual Studio Express to try that...
I haven't tested the changing of the HDVD tag (haven't figured that one out yet) but I CAN confirm that simply having two files, on HD, one SD, same name (except for one being marked with a "1" at the end) in the same folder with the same CNID will NOT create a single entry in iTunes.
Well that's not good. Does anybody actually have an HD / SD file that they can examine the tags of and report back? I'd gladly buy one if someone can tell me how / what I need to examine the file.
Almost 24 hours. Any differences in the comparison between files? Just curious what's going on with this movement. I feel like I should help, but I don't know how!
Currently on iTunes there are some HD episodes of some new Lost material that can be downloaded for free. I believe this would be an excellent source for us to examine and can be used to compare HD / SD hex code / tags.
According to Jendrik's website for iFlicks, his app is supporting this now, so it's possible. I wonder if he would share the method he used and the apps he used for doing it (atomic parsley?)
OK, it's the Christmas season, so I'll give a hint.

- cnID must be equal in both files
- hdvd tag must be set to 1 in the HD file
- stik must not be 0 (Movies), set it to 10 (x0A) (TV Shows)

These files will import into iTunes combined, but listed in TV Shows. Use the iTunes "File Info" option to change it to Movies. We haven't been able to figure out why iTunes will not combine the titles if stik is set to 0 (Movies). I now have a couple movies with combined entries in my iTunes movie library.

At this point, I'm not willing to give exact specifics on how to do this; either figure out how to make these changes yourself, or wait for a program to be released (it is currently being worked on).

Special thanks to those who figured it out... :)
Has anyone determined the proper (aka: safe) way to add the tags that ripped titles won't have to their files? I was able to add a cnID tag to a copy of Wall E that I ripped, but it made the file unusable at that point.
I'm back from my holiday travel and I'm willing and eager to help test any software solutions that might be working to solve this problem.

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