I know this post is old, but since I spent a lot of time looking for this information, I'll put it here for anyone searching for it in the future.
file doesn't have to be High-Definition you could have a 120x90 file tagged as 'HD' & a 1280x720 file tagged as 'SD' but if your default is to play HD then, for that file, you'll see the tiny one. & if the timing is more than a second difference iTunes may add it as one, or may not, I'm not sure as to the whys just yet.
So, I jut realized I missed one question.
There have been a few ways in the past to get the actual, official, artwork directly from apple's server, but, the problem is, as soon as apple finds out about one of these, they quickly shut it down. Which is fine with me because I decided a while ago that I don't particularly like the square movie artwork anyways. BUT, if you do, there's always tagChimp with MetaX.
- Signup for a tagChimp account @ www.tagchimp.com.
- Goto your preferences.
- One of the first sections is Cover Art.
- Select 'iTunes Square Art' from the drop list.
- Now, in MetaX, click on the Green notepad with a white & Yellow Cupcake(?) icon in the upper right corner (Preferences).
- On the 'Data' tab you're gonna hafta select 'Share data with tagChimp' & put in your tagChimp ID.
- Now the search results will have the stupid square art, many actually from iTunes.
- If you still aren't finding what you want, there's a MacRumors forum for Unofficial Artwork, as well as GetVideoArtwork.com (There's already a link to it on the forums so I think apple either knows & can't do anything about it, or doesn't care since it's not coming from their servers.) Sometimes the art varies slightly, but that could be from the Store page having a different version than the actual file, or an updated version on the Store & the older one on the site.
If you don't want the Square Art, that's the most time consuming part of tagging, especially if you're, like me, picky. Try Amazon, IMDB,
DVD Cover Art,
The TV Database, The show's official & unofficial Pages, and, this one works much better the more recent & more popular a title is: Google & Yahoo search. I use both because sometimes what I can't find on one I''ll find on the other. You can also, as a last resort, look for a torrent, many of them have the artwork, & you can choose to download just that, but if the FCC comes a knocking it's not my fault, show them your physical copy & live without your computer for a few months while they search it for anything that they could spin as illegal. Also, don't even search for a torrent without up-to-date Virus software. If you do, try
ThePirateBay as they're supposed to be one of the safer ones.