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I did not have the power plugged in when I jailbreak'd mine. Just had the Micro-USB cable, pwnage tool, original apple firmware and had no issues.

Do not plug in the power cord when jail breaking, just the micro USB.
For those of you with slower macs, I would advise against installing the updated ffmpeg build. Running it on my 2010 mini with the 2.4ghz c2d was causing the :apple:TV to error out of playback at around the five minute mark of all my media. Downgrading to the version of ffmpeg in the latest Plex build stopped that problem, but the decrease in playback quality is noticeable. However, as the first beta release -- really more an alpha release -- it is more than passable.
Hi all, PLEX rocks, watched a few movies last night, 720p no problems at all.

Firstly, on getting your AppleTV2 into DFU mode I was also having a nightmare of a time. I was getting all kinds of weird errors when trying to put the built IPSW into the device. Here are my steps.

1. Power and USB connected, restore apple TV with iTunes, no JB just a fresh restore so you will get a fresh ipsw from apple, that will save in the correct location etc. Yes I know you can download from xyz, but thats what seemed to be causing my issues of not being able to restore correctly.

2. Once restored, pull USB, insert HDMI. Setup language on tv.

3. Pull HDMI, insert USB (leave power in)

4. Remove any ipsw you may have got for your ATV except the fresh one in your user/itunes/../ that apple used to restore in step 1.

5. Run Pwnage tool, once it has built etc, it will tell you to UNPLUG POWER! do so and follow instruction.

6. Once Pwnage tells you (yes it told me it was in DFU mode the first time too but it wasnt) option click restore, and choose ipsw on desktop.

Plex honestly is a huge step, is it perfect, no, but it really is usable, its very fast.

Bonus finding.... I have a few Macs and a hackingtosh too. anyone using a hackingtosh make sure Bonjour is working or Plex will not see any files and crash like no tomorrow.

Hope this helps some people.

When you connect your appleTV2 to your mac you DO NOT need the power cable. Only the micro USB cable.
Do not plug in the power cord when jail breaking, just the micro USB.

Could not get into dfu until read official instructions from Dev team. Plug in for dfu for restore no plug. Glad if it worked otherwise but plugging in is fine and recommended.
I got everything working but the video quality is not the best. I tried using the ffmpeg option but the videos will stop playback after a couple of minutes. I wonder if I did something wrong...
I picked up an ATV2 this weekend and put Plex on it. worked great.

there was an update to the plex atv2 client yesterday that now allows plex plugins to work (like Hulu and ESPN3).

I think there was an update to the higher quailty ffmpeg as well but i havent tried it. the higher quailty ffmpegs seem to result in more crashing during playing
I picked up an ATV2 this weekend and put Plex on it. worked great.

there was an update to the plex atv2 client yesterday that now allows plex plugins to work (like Hulu and ESPN3).

I think there was an update to the higher quailty ffmpeg as well but i havent tried it. the higher quailty ffmpegs seem to result in more crashing during playing

Yup I did the update to the client and tried out the ffmpeg and it was working great.
I just started using Plex 9 in the last week and have some observations. i should say i really like it and plan to continue using it but there is a lot of room for improvements. It is possible some of my issues are part of the learning curve in which case I would love to hear the solutions.

1. The documentation including the on-board video's still refer to the previous version. i was totally confused that i could not follow any of the video's until i saw a piece from tech crunch that pointed out they created a media manager applet which is now separate from the application. This is how you import files into the system unlike the previous version.
2. The File import appears to tie media file types to media types. For example i could not import any TV shows which were .avi files until i changed to movies instead of TV shows.
3. There are some shows that I imported which i did not expect to fine metadata for but there was no option to switch off meta data matching.
4. I could not figure out how to modify metadata once assigned to a file.
5. Movies and Music from itunes worked flawlessly. Everything else was a bit of a struggle to get it right.
6. I plan to get the IOS app but have seen so many negative comments on the forums that I decided to delay taking the plunge.
7. The on-net capability was good but I could not get most of it to work.

Future: The future of this product for me will depend on integration to apple TV. I want to be able to stream the output to an apple TV and use an Ipod to control it.
I ... snip
6. I plan to get the IOS app but have seen so many negative comments on the forums that I decided to delay taking the plunge.


My iOS app has been working fine. It's not the most fully featured application but it does what I want of it which is to stream movies and TV Shows to my iPhone 4 at will across my WiFi.

I think the :apple:TV functionality is going to come. If Apple won't allow apps on there (which I can't imagine they won't eventually) the Plex community will make it work.

I think that Apple historically has a habit of releasing incomplete products to the market in order to stay ahead of the pack. The 2G :apple:TV strikes me as no exception.
Dino the Postie just dropped off my Monoprice shipment and the :apple:TV is now Jailbroken and Plex'd. Had one issue w/the JB process but that was because I wasn't running iTunes 10.0.1.

1080p hits a buffer pretty quickly but my SD content is playing fine. I haven't tried out any 720p yet but am hopeful that it'll be ok. Certainly a VERY promising start!!
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