As for the case - its going to sit under your desk and you'll open it once in a blue moon. At least the HP has the front-mounted sockets on, you know, the front rather that the top where they'll be blocked by the desk. Don't confuse good design with the form-over-function bling that Apple's rockstar designers produce without Steve there to whack them with the clue-bat.
Bwahahahaha, love that! So true, too. We really do need Steve back, sitting w/ his legs crossed up on the conference table, looking at managers through the 'V' of his feet while they try to explain and justify said "form-over-function bling" stupidity. I think about those top TB3 ports and wonder how many expensive-as-hell TB3 cables are going to get snapped off while sticking straight up in the air in harm's way. Almost as bad as the brain-damaged Magic Mouse II charging port or the first Apple Pencil.
but the $999 monitor stand makes it clear that Apple is appealing to a specific customer base and I'm not a part of it.
That's really the cherry on top of all this pricing madness. Yes, we're fine paying a premium for Apple equipment, but they have taken it to a whole nother level this time. And the gall to present us w/ an idiotically expensive $999 stand is a clear giving of the middle finger.
In many ways the Mac Pro is now officially dead (for soooo many people). Nobody wanted a $6000 entry price for a ho hum performance entry machine. Nobody.
So many seem to forget that people have to *want* or *need* this machine for it to be successful. All I hear is that it "isn't for you". Well, bullsh*t, but then why did Apple bother to address everyone's concerns 2 years ago about the 2013 Mac Pro? Were they not talking to buyers of that product then? Who did they go away and work on a replacement for then? Did they say, "Okay, customers who want an improvement to this $3000 (base) system, we're going to go away and make you something new that'll cost $6000 instead!" Uhhh...problem not really...solved there? I thought the idea was to
increase the sales rate from where the 6-year-old Mac Pro has stagnated now...not sure there will be enough well-heeled customers to do that for the 2019.
my sole, single, solitary complaint with the new mac pro is that they have yet again gone with proprietary graphics cards that not only carry the typical apple premium but will also have additional engineering costs as well.
Not sure if someone else corrected this earlier, but that's not true. You can use the MPX modules OR regular PCIe cards (which even have 8-pin power feeds).
All the tech pundits pleasure themselves on how great the mac pro is and are eager to say “it’s not for you”, a huge portion of the enthusiast market is going bye bye like above.
The reality is the original mac pro had a $2500 entry point and enthusiasts could get into that market. That is the product enthusiasts want. A product that lets them expand with slots and storage. When apple and idiot pundits say, the Mac Pro is not for you, the iMac is for you... who the **** are they to tell users that what they want and dont want. What users need and dont need. The users get to do that.
Exactly. Unfortunately, Apple is quite fond of forcing its idea of what the users need onto them. I can deal w/ some of that, but I live in a perpetual state of "WTF, Apple?!" that really shouldn't be necessary. This time, the WTF is the inexplicable pricing. Yes, inexplicable. No amount of R&D on a COMPUTER chassis nor design/style nor components can account for this price point. In fact, as I've said, I'm pretty sure they're actually confused about the specs they're trying to compare themselves against (HP Z8 that they priced @ $8200). So they added a TON of margin in, thinking that they're still $2200 less for the same stuff. WRONG. To make that price point, the Z8 would have to have a Xeon Gold CPU that's $4000 by itself.
But I think Apple cornered themselves with thermals in the old Mac Pro. They cornered themselves with pricing in the new Mac Pro. Management probably could not see offering a tower that costs less than the iMac Pro.
Well put on the cornering themselves. I'm still hopelessly optimistic that they'll realize their mistake in comparing to "other Pro workstations" (HP Z8 I mentioned above) and come to their senses. Also, I don't get the reasoning behind having to price higher than iMac Pro. The iMac Pro of course has that display that's worth $1000-1500 alone. A base Mac Pro 2019 spec'ed lower than the base iMac Pro should not have to be priced higher. I said $3999 would be reasonable earlier— it's still more expensive than it needs to be at that price point, but still somewhat reasonable. $5999 is a joke (that I'm still waiting for the punchline on...).
The question is one of marketing. Is apple making a marketing mistake by not providing a cheaper entry option, with say a 4 core xeon and 8GB of ram for around $3000, that more of the enthusiast market could get into.
I really don't think the entry machine needs fewer cores. The 8-core Xeon W CPU is, what, $750 or something? That's easily still doable at a much more affordable starting point.
Anyway, when they acknowledged the problems and limitations w/ the Mac Pro 2013 two years ago, you got the feeling that it was an effort to hopefully stem the tide of pro/enthusiast/prosumer/power/whatever users that were constantly talking about jumping ship to Hackintoshes or Windows. Doubling the entry price point w/ their "solution" seems to me like giving those folks a good, solid shove off the ship. Back up to what
@Jack Burton said...from a thermal corner to a mis-priced corner.