Yes, the Proraso Crema Liquida Dopobarba is quite reasonable stuff, but I think Truefitt & Hill's aftershave balm is better still. But Proraso is good value for money!
I haven't seen the tube of Proraso you posted, only the round-tubs (Sapone da barba con olio di eucalipto e mentolo). I quite like the dark green tubs of shaving soap, give a very fresh feeling.
No feather blades for me however! Not suitable for me, a bit too sharp.
My last purchase is below - the Garmin Edge 800. It's really cool. I got to try it out for a short while tonight before the last sunlight disappeared.Love it, and love the bike - huge, huge fun.
I'm still a newbie to road-biking and got to some speeds that were quite unusual for me!
I'm going to love getting out to the ring-road of one of the parks about 20min away and riding for as long as I can manage.
Not my pic but I just dropped a bit of cash for this new lens. I love photography but really hate how much everything costs....
Hope you have as much fun with that lens as i do with mine, superb piece of glass.
Have to agree on the price, that one around here is about 800 euro... No wonder it toke me almost 1 year to make up my mind and get my beast (500mm f4 L IS USM, with delivery was 6299 euro)
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New build.
You took it into the bathroom ? seriously ?
You took it into the bathroom ? seriously ?
You took it into the bathroom ? seriously ?
Poraso stuff is nice! My skin doesn't like feather blades though!
I get that you're excited about your tights but you couldn't find a stock image on the web somewhere?
Its addictive. Trust Me. I have been riding about 8 months and averaged 130-150 miles a week this summer, and it was a blast. I am ridiculously jealous that you got the Garmin 800 already, Im just working towards the slightly less absurdly expensive Garmin 500.
Go find yourself a good group to ride with..
I just returned mine
Edit: Image replaced with stock image.
LOL I'm actually impressed she held that with one hand. On the other hand, it is the 13" model.