Bought these all yesterday.
All great games! I don't have MW3 yet, but got a chance to put a couple hours into the 360 version at a buddies. While it's most certainly just more of the same, it's still a lot of fun.
Anyhoo, here are some of my pickups from the last couple weeks:
Tony Hawk Shred is apparently freaking awful; but it was only $10, so I figured it was worth a shot.
The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic - easily my most anticipated game of all time.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Limited Edition for PS3. I have another copy coming in the mail tomorrow. LONG story; but I had zero intention of being some sleezy reseller, but the games kinda fell in my lap and so I'm hoping to offload this copy on eBay and make a few bucks.
"Executive Sleeve" for my 3DS. I like my MadCatz one more; but for $5 on clearance, I figured it'd be good to have a backup.
Saints Row the Third. Been pretty fun so far, and it's crazy creative. But the schtick might run thin quick.
And finally, and Amazon Kindle Fire! I absolutely can't wait to play with it... ... but I have to wait until Christmas!!! Kinda silly, but my GF is paying me back this weekend and then giving it to me for Christmas. Must. Resist. Opening.