Nice build and you didn't half-*** it either!
No sure didn't! When we got done both my brother and I hung on it and it didn't budge!
Nice build and you didn't half-*** it either!
2 leftbetter hurry!
No sure didn't! When we got done both my brother and I hung on it and it didn't budge!
Don't get this if it's anything like the one I received today it makes a horrible noise before the music comes on and also when you pause the music. I have emailed the seller to see if it was normal or if I got a faulty one as if it is normal I'm sending it back but I didn't notice it in the review I watched on YouTube.
Here is a video I took of wha I'm talking about.
Sounds like interference or something... Can you try it outside away from wifi or anything else?
Third Party seller on Amazon called World Wide Stereo. The bass, build quality, and noise isolation on the headphones are great. The treble however is very harsh and totally ruins the sound quality.Where did you get them for 23?
WiFi isn't the problem iv turned it off in my house and still the same problem. I have also tried outside and still the same as well.
Motorola Surfboard SB101U cable modem