is that a corsair case? how much was it and where did you get it from?
Don't mean to speak on his behalf, but that's a Corsair 650D. It runs between $170 and $200 at most places. An absolutely phenomenal case. I've worked in an 800D before, and it was just an absolute pleasure.
... Anyway, my pickups for the day:
Phantom Hourglass, used but like new, with Club Nintendo code for $9.xx. I got LBP GOTY for $12 and used a $10 RZ certificate. And finally, I coughed up the $15 to buy another copy of Ghost Recon from a user on another board... I misplaced mine.
Also saw Captain America in 3D last night and ate at the Cheesecake Factory with my mom. I bought the tickets, she bought dinner.
Both were great!