Congrats or ur purchase, and watch out for the Apple fanboys down voting your post.
Congrats or ur purchase, and watch out for the Apple fanboys down voting your post.
If you have a degree, then it will be easier for a company to sponsor your vise. You'll just have to find a company willing to do it! Hint - ad agencies seem to like the British...
I don't have a degree, but my wife is a teacher here, so when we were deciding, we thought I'd have more chance of getting work in my field (IT) as soon as I was authorized to work than she would after having to get certified as a teacher in the UK. We were right, and I was able to work supporting pretty much only Macs, which is what I really wanted to do.
So if you don't have a degree, find an american with a penchant for the English(although you do need amples of patience!)
I'm just finishing up my degree - graduate in July - currently sitting on a first class hons with 2 exams to go eeeekk....
What about Irish? I have both irish and british passport - I know the americans like the Irish too hehe!
My career field is sport and exercise sciences...although I have experience in management consultancy too...
So I would look at Ad agencies and for companies that would sponsor me?
Thanks for the info ... great advice ... I'm at that age where I'm making big decisions and if the right opportunity came along, then I'd jump at the chance to move to the states.
That's awesome, well maybe looking at grad school in the US could be an option? Especially if it's a school with a big NCAA programme, you could be doing some kind of sport science for future NFL/NBA players.
My wife and I bought our 18 year Anniversary presents for each other tonight. My wife got to bring her present home tonight, but mine won't be ready till next week Wednesday. This is my first road bike... in fact it's been about 10 years since I bought a bike for myself. My knees can't take the running anymore... so this will be a nice change in trying to stay healthy.
My wife was awesome with the sales people tonight. She kept talking to the sales man down in price, and still had him smiling and laughing the whole time. She even had print outs from websites to price match... but they went well below the website prices... so she didn't have to show them. Both bikes were on sale, so we were guesstimating a budget we were willing to spend. We walked out close $400 under budget. My wife is the best thing in my life, and an awesome mother to our 2 boys... I look forward to another 18+ years with her.
Where did you get this for so cheap? I was looking for something to hold my music on since my last one broke.