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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 26, 2009
Pphht. So that other thread I used to be part of is full of jubilant, smiling people who's iMacs are already delivered, or on a plane or a truck on route to thier happy new homes. Us waities are all but forgotten now! So this is our support group. When did YOU order? How do you feel about that evil 'not yet shipped' header?

Detroit area, Michigan USA
Not Yet Shipped =(
No word here - but hey, I only ordered it yesterday LOL :D

Kinda shady for people like you who ordered first and still haven't heard zilch.
Order Number: W9135
Order Date: Oct 22, 2009 at 03:24 PM PST

iMac i7 / 2 TB / 8 GB.

And of course not yet shipped. Checking status all day long , but no changes.

Ordered earlier this week, in Australia - W5755xxxx. i7 with 2TB HDD, otherwise 'standard' config.

My cc has the full amount 'charged' but in limbo (as in on hold). GRRR.

On 9 November I ordered my I7, 8GB IMac with IWorks pre-installed as well as a printer. I do regret having ordered that late ... but also have fun being on this forum and monitoring the whole situation around the deliveries etc ... It's kinda cool that we are all in this together ... folks from all over the world driven and bound by the hunger for an :apple: Life is good man :)
Actually it's really bad that you need to discuss this on the internet because Apple won't say anything. Yes we all know that the 'november' thing was there but giving a date is not so difficult. After all we all paid our stuff and waiting and waiting till .. :confused:
i7 w/minimal specs ordered 11/4.

It was fun when none of us had word, and we bonded over our shared anticipation. Now, Apple has divided us into haves and have nots! Lol.

Now that they've shipped some, I think the 'November' date is less excusable. :/ Of course, like the proverbial battered girlfriend I will forgive all when the imac arrives. :)
Oct 22, 2009 at 04:17 PM PST - Order number W6539XXXX

Not yet shipped

IMAC 27"/4850-512MB
Ships: November

I had ordered the 3.33GHz C2D but called Nov 10th to change it to an i7.

Still no word.:mad:
Hmm. I wonder what it feels like to click refresh and see shipping information. I bet it feels good.

I'm prepared for that moment though. I've got the FedEx app installed on my iPhone. I've got all my data backed up and ready to migrate. I've got a spot picked out in the house for it... Now I just need them to send it to me!
Ordered an i7, 4GB, 1TB HDD with a numeric keyboard on November 1st.

No change in status from "Not yet shipped" since then.

Although, the hold on the funds has been in place on my CC ever since then where the available balance is $2000+ lower, but no transaction details yet.

Hopefully soon!
Has anyone who ordered this month got their 'cancel items' button greyed out?

Nope - but that could be because I'm still within the 10 day cancellation window... *bites nails some more*


Actually it is now, and if I do click on it, it comes up with 'We regret that you cannot cancel your order online'.

*Sigh* Hope this means it's getting closer.
Okay. I'll check my status a few more times tonight, and again right before bed. If I still have no changes, I'm not going to check at all tomorrow. Not once. Not one single time. I need a day off from this. I've been checking compulsively for 21 days straight now. I'm gonna get a bleeding ulcer. =(
Nothing here not a peep

I ordered the stock I7 and have heard nothing. Not a peep.

Ordered on 11/2
I'm still in the "Not Yet Shipped Camp." Although, my order status did change to "Prepared To Ship" sometime last night while I slept.

- Ordered 23 October

- i5, 8GB, iWork installed

- Card pre-authorized 5 November (available balance less full cost of iMac)

I'm hoping anytime now for a nice e-mail: "Your Quad iMac Has Shipped."
Okay. I'll check my status a few more times tonight, and again right before bed. If I still have no changes, I'm not going to check at all tomorrow. Not once. Not one single time. I need a day off from this. I've been checking compulsively for 21 days straight now. I'm gonna get a bleeding ulcer. =(
Sounds familiar. :p
Sounds familiar. :p

Order Date: Nov 6, 2009 at 12:05 PM PST
i7 with 2TB & 4GB RAM
my remote shipped on Tuesday.
Free upgrade to expedited (2-3 day) shipping.

Am seriously not expecting it to ship for two weeks, but that doesn't stop me from compulsively checking my status and these forums all day when I should be studying!
Ordered i7, 4x2GiB, 2 TB on the 5th of November. No movement on the main machine, though the remote is now in Alaska and will be here on the 16th.
Oct 22, 2009 at 03:20 AM PST - Order number W6537XXXX

Not yet shipped

IMAC 27"/4850-512MB
Ships: November

Money was taken in full on Monday, nothing else has changed.
** Forgot to mention I checked my order status and it looks like Apple bumped my shipping automatically to the premium method**

Coming to Newfoundland, Canada
Order Date: Nov 6, 2009 at 12:05 PM PST
i7 with 2TB & 4GB RAM
my remote shipped on Tuesday.
Free upgrade to expedited (2-3 day) shipping.

I ordered the exact same thing... november 6 at 4:30am pst and my remote is only prepared for shipping and my imac is not ready to ship yet... but I have already had my credit card charged... hmmm...
Has anyone who ordered this month got their 'cancel items' button greyed out?

i7 iMac (standard config plus iWork pre-installed) ordered 10/28/09 9:31am PST. Order # W6549xxxx

"Cancel Items" button greyed out on 11/10.

Credit Card Pre-authorized on 11/8. Credit Card pre-authorization dropped off on 11/11. Credit card has not been charged.

Order status still says "Not yet shipped". I called Apple today and the rep told me everything on my order is still a "go" (no issues with credit card, shipping info, order items, etc.).
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