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Well, it worked for a few other people... let me warm up a second here.......


Okay, here goes.

I bet your order goes to prepared before the end of the day.

If this works i'm gonna say:
layziegtp is Steve Jobs!

secretly behind the scenes following Macrumors and fasttracking the orders of those whose orders are taking ages and who complain about it.
Can you hurry mine up too steve? Pleeeeeease?
my i7 quad change to "prepared for shipment" whatever that means, still no date. even my stupid remote that was supposed to be delivered yesterday didn't come. so much for ordering 2 day shipping back in october...
Yeah, the people of the hotline are playing games. The guy told me yesterday that he didn't know anything. Well , why are you working than. :p

Like salesdroids, the people on the Help Desk very rarely know what's actually happening. They usually rely on the same / similar computer display of "status" that you see. The same happens with my useless Internet provider - you phone them to tell them there IS a problem with their network, they check the worthless "Network Status" page (which never tells you anything until it's been fixed, if at all) and say there is no problem. The only bother to seriously log a problem once they have received "enough" calls. :(

Kuski said:
Ridiculous...ordered on the 23rd and still no update. :(
Orders that haven't changed status yet may depend on what you have ordered, e.g. if you've upgraded the graphics card, then Apple may not yet have stock / enough stock to fill orders.
Mine is already in Shanghai... already got a tracking number... ! It was quicker than expected.
I don't understand why people on here keep complaining when their shipment doesn't come in two days. As a point of information for those folks, Apple doesn't offer a strict two day shipment on CTO macs or anything that has to ship from China. They just have two options:

1. Standard Shipping - this is akin to Fedex International Economy, and can take 4-5 business days (generally); barring any customs delays.

2. Priority Shipping - this is akin to Fedex International Priority, and can take between 2-3 business days; barring any customs delays.

Thus, if Apple upgraded your shipping to the Priority 2-3 or even if you paid for it, if it doesn't come in three business days from date of shipment (again with the exception of delay due to customs), then one has the right to complain.


  • Priority Shipping.jpg
    Priority Shipping.jpg
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U.S. Apple store is down!

Can't check the status of my i5 order. Purchased Nov. 9th. Credit card has already been charged and today I got a paper invoice in the mail.

Maybe when the site comes back up I will have an update on my "not yet shipped" iMac.
Mine went PFS yesterday but still not tracking info. So I called :apple: again and the guy told me my iMac has already been handed off to FedEx, they are just waiting for FedEx to pass along the shipping info which he thinks should happen between now and tomorrow. With that said, I should have this bad boy sometime this week!
Called this morning and the guy told me he's SURE that it's being made right now and will ship by "this coming Monday or this coming Wednesday"

I'm not expecting it any time soon...(ordered on oct 22nd)

edit: on a previous post I said 23rd, that was wrong.
Called this morning and the guy told me he's SURE that it's being made right now and will ship by "this coming Monday or this coming Wednesday"

I'm not expecting it any time soon...(ordered on oct 22nd)

edit: on a previous post I said 23rd, that was wrong.

I am in the same boat as you. Ordered on Oct 23rd through the mac station store and still no word on when it will ship. I dont even know if it i built yet. Before anyone jumps on me I know November is only half over so I am still patient but there is more to my story. This is the second long wait I have had to endure with no information or end in sight. I originally ordered a 24" on Sept 16th. Yes, I knew that new releases were comming but did not know when or how great so I could not wait. I was assured 10 to 12 days I would have my unit. apple sat on my order for more than a month and then on Oct 21 sent me an email saying my order had been cancelled and I could now order from the new models. Aware of the specks now I did so a day later but now I am at the back of the line again playing the waiting game. All I can get out of my sales rep is " I am really upset that this has happened" Like that is supposed to make me feel better, although he is not building the system so I don't blame the sales rep. They certainly know less than the members on this forum. I am sure that this system will be totally awesomebut I have to say that my first mac purchase is about as far from a pleasant experience as it can get. thanks for listening to my moans and groans. I feel a little better and am still hopeing that I get sent a shipment tracking number next week. At least then I will know something.
Hopefully I will not be following this thread for very long!

iMac 27", Quad i7, 8GB (2GB x 4) ordered Friday the 13th :eek:
Yeah... my 27 incher (i7) is already in Tokyo! It took less than 2 days!

Actually the warehouse it's in, is only 20 minutes away by bicycle from my home, feel like going there and ask for it... but 20kg is too much weight for me on a bicycle. :) it's just 10 AM... wonder whether it'll be handed over to me today or tomorrow... can't wait!
Just curious, where do the iMacs ship from. Is it from China if so where? Shenzhen? Cause I heard some sales person say that those to be shipped to Asia are made in China, while those to USA are made in USA itself. (which I think is absolute bs lol)
i7 iMac (standard config plus iWork pre-installed) ordered 10/28/09 9:31am PST. Order # W6549xxxx

"Cancel Items" button greyed out on 11/10.

Credit Card Pre-authorized on 11/8. Credit Card pre-authorization dropped off on 11/11. Credit card has not been charged.

Order status still says "Not yet shipped". I called Apple today and the rep told me everything on my order is still a "go" (no issues with credit card, shipping info, order items, etc.).

Just for reference, today is November 15th and still no change. My order is still "not yet shipped". How many October orders are still "not yet shipped"? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Well it seems that my new iMac might be shipping soon:

Oct 28, 2009 at 09:33 AM PST - Order number W9142xxxx
View order details
Prepared for Shipment ;)
Ships: November

Well 13 hrs. later, and the i5 order still says "Prepared for Shipment" :eek:
Oct 22, 2009 at 11:41 AM GMT

Not yet shipped
Estimated Shipping: November

So unfair, seems 90% of people ordered AFTER me and yet still have their order already :(
Although I have a tracking number there is not much I can tell from there. It states that the info will be updated shorty. But just to be sure, below means that both printer and IMac are on their way, right ?

Nov 9, 2009 at 12:40 PM PST - Order number W91569632 View order details Shipped on: Nov 14, 2009 via Merge In Tnst NL Til
Invoice: 9048683141
Product Qty.
IMAC 27"/4850-512MB 1
Shipped on: Nov 14, 2009 via SYNCREON
Tracking #: WW000001810282473299
Product Qty.
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