Lemming. 18lbs, and the biggest coward I have ever seen. He's actually afraid to go out of the apartment (I guess I should consider myself lucky he doesn't bolt out the door every time it's opened). If I take him out on the porch, he screams until I let him back in. A 6 month old kitten once backed him into a corner.
He is pretty though.
Edit: hmmm, Picassa doesn't seem to allow hotlinking.
Seal point or blue point? She is absolutely beautiful! I love long-faced Siamese.Here's my sweetie, Peanut. She's so sweet.
ahha jake the snake i like that
I had a few dog in a past, but this small border collie - corgi mix is the smartest. And it is extremely rare if you can hear his barking. Almost never.
How much does your dog weigh? If I ever get a dog, I would love a border collie. They just seem like super smart dogs...almost like they really know what you are saying.