I just finished knitting my first pair of socks.
Very impressive socks, I couldn't do that if my life depended on it
Well, here is something I made all by myself. Last year there was a thread about companies like Facebook selling your browsing habits to advertisers, giving out your private info to the government, etc. and I had posted my project (that would save us all from the likes of Facebook) along with a link to my crowdfunding campaign, but the Mods here deleted it claiming it was "advertisement". It wasn't, it was relevant to the discussion, and I had a solution to share...nice urban settings photos. the coffee shop restaurant hangout, and the urban outdoor alley, lol. great job on the design and marketing. its maddening when good ideas don't get the lift they deserve. but its the portfolio of inventors isn't it.
mr. mcmac wow. do you do solar wind stuff too
Is it Janis Joplin?
Well, here is something I made all by myself. Last year there was a thread about companies like Facebook selling your browsing habits to advertisers, giving out your private info to the government, etc..
nice urban settings photos. the coffee shop restaurant hangout, and the urban outdoor alley, lol. great job on the design and marketing. its maddening when good ideas don't get the lift they deserve. but its the portfolio of inventors isn't it.
^I'd love to have a desk like that. Good workmanship from the photos.
I know a guy who was Janice's manager, back in the day.
Here's something I made for a friend who has a Tibetan antique store -- he needed to get a set of doors off the floor. I made it strong. During the door installation we had 3 guys standing on it, plus the doors. I tried to make it look decent, but strength was the key parameter.
Very nice - too good to use as a scaffold
For those that don't plan to buy the Apple Watch because of the price, I offer the Apple Clock. Astoundingly analog! Precisely plastic! Best of all, it has a user replaceable battery*. *Battery not included.
Does it last all day on a single charge?
Prepare to hold on to your cranium, because what I'm about to tell you could blow your mind. Yes it lasts a day on a single charge, but I didn't stop there. I wouldn't settle for any less than 6 months on a single charge! Yes, all day, all season, possibly all year!
A touch table, (24) individual LED panels with laptop software control to change color, dozens of effects etc. all with the touch of your hand.
A touch table, (24) individual LED panels with laptop software control to change color, dozens of effects etc. all with the touch of your hand.