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macrumors 6502
Oct 21, 2011
Captain Kremmen was a late 70s/early 80s cartoon sketch on the Kenny Everett Video Show. He's pretty obscure, so there's almost no merchandise/collectables for him. So I scratch built my own. 43cm tall.

This is awesome!

steve knight

macrumors 68030
Jan 28, 2009
Made this clock from a kit. I may start buying just the harder and cutting the parts myself but I don't know if I want to go to that hassle. but the full kits get expensive. once I understand more about clocks I may. but having full instructions is really a plus. it took several days to get this to keep running. I found the frame had a little twist in it because the way the screws mounted it once I got that felt with now it keeps running. it will take awhile to get the time accurate you have to adjust the length of the pendulum to do it.. the clocks have to have so little friction from the bottom you have 4 pounds of weight hanging at the top there is so little pressure just enough to keep the pendulum shining as long as everything has a lot of graphite on it. the clot has to have the right tilt and that took awhile to get right.


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
This quilt top is a cotton-scraps representation of sunlight coming through turning leaves in the fall. Here I’m belatedly trying out border fabrics for my “Autumn Quilt” so I can wrap the darn thing up before the snow flies! It has been a great way to use up leftovers from other projects. Fun remembering what I’d made from those fabrics earlier while I was trimming all the little scraps to size. Still have to scrabble around upstairs and find a good backing fabric for it. This will be my uility couch throw to keep me cozy during winter. Maybe use a wool batting for extra warmth and to give it some heft.



macrumors 68040
Jun 27, 2010
Plano, TX
I bought a GoPro Session about a year ago. I haven't used it as much as I'd like to because it gets a little cumbersome for taking quick pictures. Whether you are using the GoPro remote or the iPhone app, you pretty much need two hands to use it if you don't mount the camera to something else.

I saw this on Amazon:


I decided that rather than spend $15 I would make one myself with stuff I had laying around.

On a normal day I use an Apple case, for minimal bulk. However, if I am going to do something outdoors I use a more rugged case. These are generally the times when I want to use the GoPro as well.

I had a New Trent case laying around and a few stick on GoPro mounts.

Here is the result.






It obviously adds a little bulk to the case, but I am fine with that.

When paired with the GoPro app it gives me one handed operation of the GoPro. It also still allows me to use the iPhone cameras.

In my brief testing so far I am really happy with it. I think it will help me use the GoPro more as well.

Not bad for about ten minutes of time.


macrumors 603
Jan 24, 2012
Did a diaper changing thingy myself - couldn't put it to test already but came off good. Have yet to adjust the old dresser it comes on top of. The clothen thingy was made by a friend (<3).


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macrumors 68040
Jun 27, 2010
Plano, TX
DIY Project: GoPro Edition.

I have had my GoPro Session for about a year but I don't use it a ton. It gets somewhat cumbersome because the remote and camera have to be held in both hands. I do have an awesome Smartree pole, but I wanted something more handheld (the pole goes from 24" to 40")

I like the way the GoPro takes pictures and the fact that it's waterproof. I made myself a solution to use the GoPro as more of a point and shoot device when I don't want to worry about my phone getting wet. Headed to the splash pad with my boys today to try it out.

If this works out well I will add some waterproof Velcro instead of the rubber bands. :)

Anyone else use a GoPro? Would love to see your mounts and accessories (as well as pictures and videos).




macrumors newbie
Jul 14, 2018
I put self-made carbon wrap on this copycat. Grip improved a lot as well as the aesthetics IMO. I set matching carbon wallpaper as well.
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Hey Jude

macrumors 6502a
May 9, 2008

I screen printed this image of "Michonne" from the The Walking Dead, on the back of a white t-shirt. I used to be a huge fan of the show, but unfortunately its best days are behind it :(.

Anyhoo, I still like the character hence the print.


macrumors newbie
Oct 11, 2016
An iPad stand that sticks to the device.

i dont like using a case on the slim ipad

I used velcro
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macrumors 65816
May 13, 2012
Six Rivers, CA
I made these swords for a medieval festival that my children's school organized. I was going to sell them, but they took too long to make to my satisfaction and make a profit and so I ended up selling most at a loss. The children loved them, but proceeded to smash them against everything they could and I realized I had focused too much on the detail of beauty instead of utility. One is tan oak and black walnut. The other is maple and rosewood. I made these after I realized the jig was up, tongue in cheek joke because I made a jig to speed up the build, as art pieces for myself, plus a few others that I've given to friends. My intention was to make the hilt look like a solid piece of wood. I made the blade taper using a joiner by taking successive passes and stopping just before the hilt.

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macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
Nap quilt for a kid, fabrics are cotton reproductions of 1930s feedsack prints; during the Great Depression, grain sacks were printed with cheerful prints then repurposed by women in place of the finer quilting cottons they could no longer afford to buy. Finally got the top all pieced and the borders sewn on this one, thinking of using cotton flannel on the back of it for coziness. Block pattern here is a faux Spool Block redrawn for simpler cutting and assembly. Don't mind the messy wallboard it's strung up on for the mug shot, please. :)

30s repro fabrics - nap quilt.jpg
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