list of hardware i currently own/still have:
Airport Extreme Base Station (first 802.11n version) - scratches on top, but functioning beautifully after almost 4 years of service
iPhone 8GB - broken lower black cover (kid droppage)
iPhone 3G 8GB - lower half of screen died, otherwise cosmetic scratches on plastic back is it
iPhone 3GS 32GB - completely destroyed. it had been living with a broken screen (again kid droppage), but in a fit of complete blind anger, i threw it... it's in many parts in it's original packaging
iPhone 4 16GB (wife's) - pristine. she keeps it in her hand or the little pocket in her purse.
macbook pro - a couple of damaged (dented) spots due to handling by TSA, and the trackpad doesn't work well anymore (again, kids), but otherwise functioning beautifully after almost 3 years.
iPod nano 4th gen 8GB - pristine condition. it remains in a fabric case connected to my car stereo in an otherwise empty glovebox.
ipod nano 3rd gen 8GB (wife's) - typical scratches on the polished back from normal use
magic trackpad - pristine, i don't let anyone else use it
mighty mouse - for 6 years old, it's doing ok. scroll ball has it's days, and it's pretty scratched up, but tracking etc is still as good as it was the day i bought it
apple keyboard (white keys, clear outside) - aside from scratches and the dirty factor, perfect.