I got tons, but thats normal for the big family i have haha:
$620 in cash mainly will be spent in NYC, I leave tomorrow!!!
Enough gift cards to buy these:
in Grey
Room in Hojo North Bergen, NJ
Ticket to Shrek the Musical, opened two weeks ago
For the new apartment
This is sorta a Christmas present, traded my D50 with my g-ma for her 20D
Pro Golf Lessons
Twin Flannel sheets
Microfiber blanket
Mattress cover
Summer blanket
Eco-Friendly pillow
Starbucks coffee
To-go coffee cups
Honduras Coffee
Not For Tourists Guide to Washington, DC
Lots of clothes
$15 x3 iTunes gift cards
$10 to Ritz
$15 to Starbucks
$20 to Barnes and Noble
$15 to Wal-Mart (was supposed to be to the DC Metro, but the machine was broken

And so much freaking candy!!!
Still have presents from my friends, and I'm buying the Canon 50mm f/1.8 at B&H in NYC when we get there