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Don't feel like screenshot and all that...

5190kbps down and 1764kbps up

St. Louis on Charter's new 5mb service.
Download Speed: 6013 kbps (751.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 1703 kbps (212.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

This is with Cox Communications cable in the Northern Virginia suburbs of DC, and it's the premium level of service (which costs more than I really should be forking out each month but it's worth it to me).
Download Speed: 1811 kbps (226.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 8100 kbps (1012.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Internet is free when you live on campus :)


  • updown.jpg
    11.2 KB · Views: 183
BT Broadband in the UK via. a D-Link 802.11G ADSL router (connected by Ethernet on this computer though).

It's rated to 2Mbps/256kbps so it seems pretty OK.


  • csgrab.jpg
    9.3 KB · Views: 177
Comcast near Nashville, TN.


Path of signal: street-->house-->four way cable splitter-->cable modem-->wired router-->50 foot ethernet cable-->four port ethernet hub-->my computer. I was getting around 2100 down for several months. Who knows why it is now faster. We certainly aren't paying for a better level of service. (Comcast doesn't offer levels here in Nashville).

Side note: the cable signal is being amplified by a wall plug-in-type amplifier installed by Comcast. That one cable is driving seven televisions (including three digital cable boxes) and the cable modem.
Download Speed = 697kps
Upload Speed = 217kps

Thats becuase my @£$%£ house mate downloads from bittorrent etc all the time over the wireless and cripples the connection speed.
down: 23452 (2931.5 kb/sec)

up: 15236 (1904.5 kb/sec)

i'm in a college dorm at Georgia State University. Our ISP is Pure Digital, but to me, it's not the greatest
Our 8MB Freedom2Surf connection is completely wacked - look at this:

125KBs down - 425kbs up!! - 8MB!!

It's been gradually getting worse since November.

I just tried it with a new splitter and the upload speed has gone up, but the download still sucks.

Anyone got any tips?

Edit: Just tried again: Down: 285 Up:628
AlBDamned said:
Our 8MB Freedom2Surf

8MB or 8Mb? Big difference.

You should try a different speed tester, there's a lot of variables in speed testers.

And then, you should be complaining to your ISP about your lack of speed.
yellow said:
8MB or 8Mb? Big difference.

You should try a different speed tester, there's a lot of variables in speed testers.

And then, you should be complaining to your ISP about your lack of speed.

8Mbit, not byte. So there's 8 bits in a byte so I should be getting 8,000kilobits/second equating to a true Megabyte per second speed (if running at full tilt obviously). is that right?

We have complained and complained and are about to cancel with them. Apparently they've "got problems with their network" and "it's a bit congested at the moment"

You're telling me...

The weird thing is, the router shows up 8000 download, 756 up, but we've never seen those speeds come through.
Is this average/good/very good/excellent/superb? I'm a noob at this stuff. Thanks!

Download Speed: 8738 kbps (1092.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 907 kbps (113.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Am in Tokyo using NTT ADSL, have a router with 3 machines connected (G5, PB and PS2), only G5 turned on and tested using the San Fran server, 3.09 pm Tokyo time, and here are the results...
So I finally got broadband and these are the results.

down 3695 up 1215

ok so I just did it again wired
Download Speed: 4541 kbps (567.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 1648 kbps (206 KB/sec transfer rate)

the wireless test looks like this
Download Speed: 4388 kbps (548.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 1229 kbps (153.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Download Speed: 1939 kbps (242.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 337 kbps (42.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Comcast in Philly... not the best results here, though. Granted this is through AirPort Extreme AND a router.
Not so fast for a big city connection...but for living amongst all these trees it isn't too bad. We don't have a television feed or a cell phone service worth spit either, but we get better than lots in our area when it comes to bandwidth.:D

speed test.jpg
According to SpeakEasy:
Download Speed: 0 kbps (0 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 26 kbps (3.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

According to CNET:
31.6 Kbps - You

Oh the joys of dial-up, luckily we'll be getting wireless broadband this week (if the installer would ever call and set up a time). If you haven't already guessed, I live in a rural area, a village of 250.
Download Speed: 2004 kbps (250.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 208 kbps (26 KB/sec transfer rate)
AT HOME (SBC/Yahoo DSL = $15/first year; server~350 miles):

\/=1272 kbps
/\=315 kbps


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