Wreckie is using Geektool (available in the Mac app store) for the horizontal calendar. Download the program, it should then be accessed in your System Preferences. Drag out the Shell icon and enter this code in command:
echo `cal`" " |
sed "s/[^0-9]$(date +%e | sed s'/ //')\([^0-9]\)/ $(date +%e | sed 's/ *\([0-9]*\)/[31m\1[0m/')\1/" |
sed s'/ $//' |
sed s'/Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa//g' |
sed s'/ / \. /g' |
sed s'/\([a-z]\)[ ]\./\1/g' |
sed s'/\.[ ]*\./ /'|
sed s"/$/ $(date +%A)/"
If you do a search within the forums, there are tutorials for additional scripts for Geektool.
As for the music display, the program is called Bowtie, it displays the current song playing iTunes. The theme is called 'Boptie', but of course, there are many more to choose from. I attached a quick mock up to show you.
This here's my November desktop on my studio iMac....not my photo....and I forget the source....using a mirror image on my secondary display as well...