Keeping up with all the Blu-Rays in this thread I bought these today to start my collection:
I haven't seen Iron Man yet so looking forward to seeing it in Blu-Ray this weekend.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall is one of my favourite movies - seen it 3 times already so had to pick it up.
And of course, every girl has to have "Sex & The City" (ok maybe not _every_ but I do)
If anyone has any advice on other good Blu-Rays (comedies or chick flicks preferably) please do tell!
Iron Man is one of the best looking Blu-ray movies out there. For comedies I would say Superbad, 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up. Chick flicks there's 27 Dresses and not to sure about other ones. I watch a lot of movie (basically anything lol) and I'm not looking through Futureshop's website to find them all.