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There is a lot of ****ing chatter going on here and not enough pictures! You kids take your 4G pissing contest elsewhere! :p

Opted for this in my office, not sure it was the best choice:

3 more plates and 3 more bowels because I was a dumbass and bought service for 5 thinking that'd work ...

and lots of random groceries.


For you or for "in case"/ hybryd half man half cow chimera?

ps Sherlock Holmes favourite rock?
Limestone (sedimentary)
SH's favourite organ
Bowel (alimentary)

For you or for "in case"/ hybryd half man half cow chimera?

ps Sherlock Holmes favourite rock?
Limestone (sedimentary)
SH's favourite organ
Bowel (alimentary)

:eek: :eek:
A typo, one of many you'll likely find me make. A funny typo though, at least there's that!
Sorry, such a good one that I just couldn't resist :D

As for putting the up/shutting up dyad I just got this and its already on its fifth film yah!
Fancied seeing whats what with a rangefinder, and you know, it is soo much more fun than digital:)


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I really am sick of people saying that about the 3G coverage because it really does depend on your location, for me I get at least 3G where ever I am.

And t-mobile does have a good phone selection they have the galaxay s to, the g2, the my touch line , hd2 and hd7. And the only reason verizon has the droid line was because of the success of t-mobile with it. Verizon wanted no part in android when it was first unveiled.

And why would I give a speech about flash I honestly don't care if a person uses an iphone good for them that is their choice. I honestly just like android better. My problem is with people not giving android or any other phone a chance just because they think the iphone is the best thing to ever happen to the world.

You are correct, it depends on your location. I travel between NJ/NY for work and reception is not a problem when you're outside. But once indoors, signal craps out entirely. It's not T-Mobile's fault; 3G at AWS 1700MHz is horrible at penetrating through buildings.

Also just because T-Mobile has different Android offerings doesn't make them a good selection. I'm glad that you enjoy Android, as it's a wonderful OS with many potentials. There are just as many Apps for it than iOS, and theres phones for it on all the different carriers. But the problem with Android is the speed of its development, with phones being "obsolete" within a years time as well as the fragmentation between phone manufacturers releasing updates and the carriers testing and pushing them out. I like to tinker with my phones, so rooting and manually flashing roms/updates is not a problem with me but there are people out there that doesn't want to get involved in this whole shebang. So it's not that people doesn't want to give Android a chance, it's just that they like to stick with things that they are familiar with and know how to use/operate. Different strokes for different folks.

jessica. said:
There is a lot of ****ing chatter going on here and not enough pictures! You kids take your 4G pissing contest elsewhere! :p

Yes mam'. Got a pup yesterday but I'm busy cleaning it's cage since it crapped everywhere during the night. He's lucky he's cute otherwise....
And you would know this from experience because you have had so much experience with T-mobile right?

That is funny since your replies made me laugh because AT&T, the only reason they can be considered to have a good phone selection is because of the iphone all there other phones are not nearly as good. Verizon and Sprint both have horrid selections too. T-Mobile has a pretty good selection in my opinion and in a lot of other peoples opinion. With AT&T hinders so many of there phones with their horrid policies, plans, and contract terms. The fact that you laugh, when you probably haven't even tried the phone is funny too it is classic to listen to people talk down something that they have never tried before. AT&T is a joke they offer such horrid customer care and service that I couldn't stand being with them anymore and switched off almost instantly. I went to T-Mobile and never looked back, better customer service, better plans, better phones, and best of all they actually support the idea of open source development with them focusing almost entirely on android.

I still believe that Apple should have never gone with AT&T since there network capabilities is just a joke, but that is just me. I'm sure there are plenty on here that will say how great the Iphone is better then anything else but cause that is what big brother Jobs tells them. But the honest truth is any android phone beats out iphone in functionality and usefulness.

Hey smarty pants.. I have had T-Mobile since I was 18 and allowed to have a cell phone. I am now 28. I JUST got the iPhone 4 and I have absolutely LOVED T-Mobile's service. I get worse reception from AT&T (albeit, I don't drop calls, but I generally had 5 bars with T-Mobile almost anywhere I went).

I have tried the new MyTouch. I've tried the old one too.

It is generally known that T-Mobile doesn't get the best phone selection. If you have liked the phones they have on there, i'm really happy for you. You're obviously happy with their service and selection and that's what matters. That doesn't mean they don't have good phones. It doesn't mean their phones suck. I have had a lot of good phones on T-Mobile.

I am pretty sure you know in the back of your head that this phone is not going to be an iPhone killer. If the Evo didn't kill it, the MyTouch 4G on another half assed 4G network is not going to kill it.

Additionally, if you think that just because a phone beats out the iPhone in functionality and usefulness, it's the iPhone killer, then the iPhone would have been dead quite a while ago, buddy. The iPhone is not necessarily the best smart phone on the market, but everyone knows that is not what really matters.

P.S. I think you took my laughing a little too personally. It was more meant as a silly giggle, rather than a smug laugh.

To stay on topic, I finally bought this shirt:

I tried to buy it before and actually thought I did, until weeks later when it didn't arrive yet. So I emailed and they apparently never got the order. Silly me.
To stay on topic, I finally bought this shirt:

I tried to buy it before and actually thought I did, until weeks later when it didn't arrive yet. So I emailed and they apparently never got the order. Silly me.

Where? Thanks!
Depends on where you are at I suppose but for me anywhere I'm going to be I get good coverage. And T-Mobile coverage is no more spotty then AT&T If I am in my house which is supposed to be in a good coverage area for AT&T I get no service whatever.

And you would know this from experience because you have had so much experience with T-mobile right?

That is funny since your replies made me laugh because AT&T, the only reason they can be considered to have a good phone selection is because of the iphone all there other phones are not nearly as good. Verizon and Sprint both have horrid selections too. T-Mobile has a pretty good selection in my opinion and in a lot of other peoples opinion. With AT&T hinders so many of there phones with their horrid policies, plans, and contract terms. The fact that you laugh, when you probably haven't even tried the phone is funny too it is classic to listen to people talk down something that they have never tried before. AT&T is a joke they offer such horrid customer care and service that I couldn't stand being with them anymore and switched off almost instantly. I went to T-Mobile and never looked back, better customer service, better plans, better phones, and best of all they actually support the idea of open source development with them focusing almost entirely on android.

I still believe that Apple should have never gone with AT&T since there network capabilities is just a joke, but that is just me. I'm sure there are plenty on here that will say how great the Iphone is better then anything else but cause that is what big brother Jobs tells them. But the honest truth is any android phone beats out iphone in functionality and usefulness.

I guess it all depends on your experience, I had been with T-Mobile for about five years and then last year I made the switch to AT&T and never looked back, I should have made the switch much earlier. The iPhone was a nice perk, as I absolutely love it compared to any T-Mobile phone I ever owned, but it was mainly that T-Mobile had bad service and HORRID customer care. Me and my brother both had our services cut off for over a week and they basically said sorry, not our fault. That happened a few times over a couple of months before we finally said enough. I found their customer care to be absolute garbage whenever I had to deal with them and I wasn't thrilled with their in store service either. The few times I've had to deal with AT&T have been fine and service has been good, love the iPhone, so no complaints, yet. But I guess YMMV.

(This is all in the Middlesex, NJ area)
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Not really a purchase, but I got a job offer as Technical Supervisor today that I couldn't refuse :)
Shure M97xE phono cartridge (not my pic):


Also ordered a Shure tracking force gauge. My cheap MCS turn table should be sounding pretty good by the end of the week.
My mother wouldn't let me buy this today.. lol

She literally told the guy at Target that I changed my mind and would not be purchasing the game.

I guess I should thank her?

Yep, mothers truly know how to embarrass you in public. :p
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