I dug around on my hard drive and found a copy of it in an old mailing list archive....
I dug around on my hard drive and found a copy of it in an old mailing list archive....
Neiman Marcus cookie recipe
Have fun!!! This is *not* a joke --- this is a true story..
Sorry to hear about your dilemma, but I copied the recipe! Thanks....and screw them for not refunding you!
I copied the recipe too. Thanks DewGuy1999.
Your credit card company wouldn't help you out?![]()
I didn't think that it was actually DewGuy that had that situation happen to. I thought it was just passed to him. Now im confused because I didn't want to make fun of DewGuy![]()
I didn't think that it was actually DewGuy that had that situation happen to. I thought it was just passed to him. Now im confused because I didn't want to make fun of DewGuy![]()
****Nieman-Marcus Cookie****
(Recipe may be halved.):
2 cups butter
4 cups flour
2 tsp. soda
2 cups sugar
5 cups blended oatmeal**
24 oz. chocolate chips
2 cups brown sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 8 oz. Hershey Bar (grated)
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
2 tsp. vanilla
** Measure oatmeal and blend in a blender to a fine powder.
Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla; mix
together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add
chocolate chips, Hershey Bar and nuts. Roll into balls and place
two inches apart on a cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 375
degrees. Makes 112 cookies.
Have fun!!! This is *not* a joke --- this is a true story..[/I]
Ah yes.... you're right.
That's what I get for skimming!
I wonder how old it is also. Or maybe I just missed the circulation.
Sorry to hear about your dilemma, but I copied the recipe! Thanks....and screw them for not refunding you!
I copied the recipe too. Thanks DewGuy1999.
Your credit card company wouldn't help you out?![]()
I didn't think that it was actually DewGuy that had that situation happen to. I thought it was just passed to him. Now im confused because I didn't want to make fun of DewGuy![]()
Ah yes.... you're right.
That's what I get for skimming!
Lol! It didn't happen to him its an OLD OLD OLD email. Omg I can't even remember when that thing was circulating.
Anyway has anyone ever made the cookies? Are they good?
Hah, wonder if it's true...I feel like I read this before somewhere, but the name of the department store was different.
Edit: After a little digging around: http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/service/nm_cookie_recipe.jhtml
I wonder how old it is also. Or maybe I just missed the circulation.
I don't remember ever seeing it either.
But then again, I just started with the email last Tuesday.![]()
This DID NOT happen to me. I don't think it actually happened to anyone. It's one of those old things that got circulated around and around back in the early days of email. I checked the message that was in the mail list archive I found it in and it was dated Mon, 09 Dec 1996, but probably goes back even further than that.
This DID NOT happen to me. I don't think it actually happened to anyone. It's one of those old things that got circulated around and around back in the early days of email. I checked the message that was in the mail list archive I found it in and it was dated Mon, 09 Dec 1996, but probably goes back even further than that.
So you're saying this happened to you?
By the way, is any fellow MacRumors member a Take That fan like I am?![]()
Do you mean did I receive the email about the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe? Yes, I did receive the email, but NO I'm NOT the person in the email that describes buying the recipe. My only part in this entire thing is posting the message that I received in 1996, nothing more...