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My wife picked up an iPhone 4 w/ a 2 yr AT&T contract today. The plan was so much cheaper for her needs, and she wanted a smart phone. Also, her old phone was pretty much dead, and it worked out to be cheaper to cancel her existing VZW contract and work out a new one w/ AT&T. This is the first iPhone 4 I've ever really handled; I'm not sure I can wait for my contract to expire/the June updates! It's a pretty amazing machine.


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^^^^Why didn't she go with an iPhone 4 on Verizon? :confused:

It's funny that you ask. VZW wouldn't let her get the iPhone since her early upgrade was two months away. Her original VZW phone was FUBARed, and she could either get a VZW to wait out the upgrade, or she could get out of the VZW contract for $90 and get on the iPhone train now.

AT&T has good coverage where we live and where we travel, and her needs of 450 minutes and the $15 data plan made the AT&T monthly rate much cheaper than anything VZW could offer.
^^^^Ah, that makes sense.

Pretty dumb of Verizon to not allow her to upgrade early.

"Yes, the $90 cancelation fee is much more valuable than a new 2 year contract.":rolleyes: Dummies.
Found Eternal Sonata for $14 on Amazon's Marketplace, and Heavy Rain was recently discounted to $29.99 at Walmart. I wanted both games when they came out; but they finally hit my "definitely buy below this price"... price. :p

Debating if I want to open Little Big Planet 2... I'm sure it's great; but by the time I get to it, I may be able to find it cheaper. Maybe I'll exchange it for Killzone 3 next week? I dunno... Still need to pick up Marvel vs Capcom 3 and the new Tactics Ogre for PSP.

This!! 2Ghz MacBook unibody Aluminum, 2GB DDR3, 500GB 7200rpm HD.New battery, incase hardshell, new powerbrick. box, restore disks, retail SL disk.
(Not my picture)


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Bought 8GB of DDR3 for my MBP yesterday. Free next day delivery from eBuyer. Was delivered about 15minutes ago. All installed already and ready to rock now.

Debating if I want to open Little Big Planet 2... I'm sure it's great; but by the time I get to it, I may be able to find it cheaper. Maybe I'll exchange it for Killzone 3 next week? I dunno... Still need to pick up Marvel vs Capcom 3 and the new Tactics Ogre for PSP.

Actually, LBP2 was kind of a disappointment in comparison to LBP1 for me. It's WAY easier. The levels aren't challenging in the least. Play it with a friend and you'll have to restart maybe once or twice in the entire campaign. They also make far too much use of the new game mechanics like vehicles and power ups, and the result is a sort of hackneyed collection of way-too-easy minigames. :( I remember in a few stages a friend and I would be able to just carry on a completely unrelated and animated conversation while playing the game absent-mindedly, and we'd get through the level fine and still get 80% of all the prize/sticker bubbles. Also, sticker switches are gone so there's very little incentive to replay levels. I'd honestly recommend you return it and get it when it drops to half price or used copies become plentiful.
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I purchased the Newspaper Album and am looking forward to hearing the new album Saturday. :D

I hope it's good; I've been listening to "Talk Show Host" all this week for some reason. I'm holding off for the standard release whenever that happens, but new Radiohead is always worth getting excited for.
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