I got mine too! Your post reminded me I should post mine. My doctorate hood is with my dean who will be hooding usToo bad I will probably just be using this once in my life.
If you score a full time or part time (adjunct) teaching gig in a college/university, then at least you can wear it once a year when the students graduate. Not that you will ever get the rags dirty, but closet mold can make you have to clean it every year before you wear it assuming you need to wear it each year like profs do at graduation.
Congrats on your doctorate degree.
I have been curious, what do all the parts of the gown stand for? Your bio says pharmacist, so I got that part, but are those colors your major, or your school, or for something else?
My relatives, and many of my friends went to a local and famously anti-establishment university that only had any ceremonial regalia for the doctorate graduates and the master's graduates had the same black gown (no hood) as the bachelor's students, and ironically as the local high school down the street. It almost looks like they were hand me downs. If that school had its way, they would allow nudity as some sort of new age ritual, but you can pretty much guess which school in the Bay Area I am referring to during previous decades.
My wife went to a HS and university that had no gowns, just street clothes for graduation, and the students voted the HS prom off the schedule, but thus is the 60s and 70s and the anti-traditionalist thing. Personally, I like the traditions of academia, good and bad, and I think it gives all schooling some sort of continuity.
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