$3 otterbox? where at?
On clearance at AT&T stores for $5 plus my 40% employee discount.
$3 otterbox? where at?
It is just better to have 2 batteries instead of 1...I have a LG Optimus M
This is a "last purchase" thread not a "iphone" thread...not everybody has an iphone
This grand dad just got a new set of wheels.
More can be seen on the thread Picture of your car 2011.
I hope you didn't forget to buy more hair gel.
Came in yesterday. Busy day couldn't post photos until today. LOVE IT!!! And I got my nails and toes done in all white. Again.
As sturdy as they come.
just reading this not looking at the username i was pretty sure this was another partyBoy post
I found this Amazing Dutch company CoverBee.com producing cute MacBook 13 inch sleeves.
Shipping took some time, but after 2 weeks I received my Zebra sleeve:
Friends loved in at school!
Yep, they are. I have a couple of these desks at home.
I'm actually heading to IKEA this weekend to buy this shelf for one of them.
I'm going to put my monitor on it and make a standing desk.
Picked up another set of wheels/tires on ebay for racing. Wheels in near perfect shape, tires have 15k on them, but will be taken off for some R-compound rubber, and saved for street use on my other 2 sets of wheels. 13.5lbs for the wheels WOOT!
Going on my '88 BMW E30 325is with engine swap...
D-Force LTW5s
I have one of those shelves for my desk. Makes a great place to lift my speakers off the table.