Fixed the wii, so just picked up animal crossing and a wave bird on the bay.
Omg I nostalgia'd so hard. This was my favorite controller when I had a GameCube. The color, the wireless and how neatly the wave bird logo was placed and not overbearing. I'd play anything just to use this controller.
this is actually my second one, bought so I can play smash bros with my brother. They were really pricy back when wiis were really in demand etc, and costed almost $ they are just around $25. Great controller that just works.
Nice! You must of spent more on the beer than the fridge itself!
DogFish beer isn't cheap...
Nike Lunartr1+ training shoes:
Bought this yesterday to add to my collection. Wasn't aware that a third edition came out.. I guess i'm late.. by like two years:
Good book to reference back to sometimes and to refresh your memory. Or for beginners..
How strange.....I've been eyeing that book for a couple of weeks now. You'll have to let me know how it is when you get it!
I love the new 'tar, BTW. I've seen that pic somewhere else before.....
My last purchase.....a one year family membership for the LA Zoo.
Whatchu lookin' at?
Just get it. Seriously. The second edition was amazing and I read a lot of different places that the author corrected almost every single thing that was wrong with the last edition, as well as updated it with a lot of the new techniques.
And thank you. The picture was posted on Instagram and therefore posted to Twitter and Facebook, haha
Sorry if this sounds rude but what in the world do you do for a living and how can I do it? Haha
I was checking these out yesterday. I only skimmed some of the information, but I saw it said something about how it counts your reps. Does that only include reps for stuff using your legs or does that include arms as well?
It's a cool idea, but I don't particularly like the idea of having to wear the same shoes all the time
Bought this yesterday to add to my collection. Wasn't aware that a third edition came out.. I guess i'm late.. by like two years:
Good book to reference back to sometimes and to refresh your memory. Or for beginners..
Congrats! I have a regular Model S reservation
Please post your sequence number on!
my latest picture from society 6, I love that site
I love them so far.The drill packs that come in the Nike+ training app are great and it works well with my Nike Fuelband. Also, the shoes are very comfortable and have excellent support. The exercises and rep measurements are more biased for lower body workouts, but some of the exercises include arm movements. But yes, the rep counting is generally based on your leg movements.
By the way, that is one of my all time favorite photography books!