My codes never showed up
Update: Got my $20 back after all
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That's one ugly cat btw..
Just picked up a new lens
New P&S camera, something that wouldn't break the bank but would compliment my D200 nicely. I wanted something with decent images, RAW capability, full manual modes and still small enough to fit in my pocket, the list was pretty small ... I ended up with a Canon S100 with a 16GB SDHC compliments of the local JB HIFI family and friends / make a deal sale. While I liked the reviews on the Sony RX100 it was over twice the amount I paid for the Canon and memory card put together!
Photo courtesy of DPreview
Great camera...I would be wary with the s100 though. Infamous for lens errors, and they seem to happen quite frequently. I would have probably when with the s95. Perfectly respectable camera still.
New chair for the office. Seems quite comfy. Not too pricey either.
My codes never showed upSo I purchased the damn thing. That's one ugly cat btw..
Update: Got my $20 back after all![]()
Can you post a link to this please?
New balls as old ones seems to be attracted by water :/