Dude that is awesome. Congrats! We were between a vita and a 3ds xl for the house. Brother pre-ordered a 3ds xl for me for my birthday a month ago though. Got a few more weeks.
Starfox is definitely on the list of games to get.
BTW I love the look of the zelda 3ds. I am sure they will release one for the 3ds xl but I am impatient. Have been waiting for a larger screen for the 3ds for a while.
Thanks! I'm loving the Vita; the hardware just has a very premium feel - very Apple-esque, or even "Old-School Sony". Everything just feels great, works great, and looks great. And, as ugly as it looks in screens, the OS is very robust and makes a lot of sense. Gravity Rush is an absolute blast; one of those "hidden gems" I'm always looking for when I buy games. It's pulled me in like few other titles have this year.
All that said, outside of this honeymoon phase I think I'm having, I'd have to say the 3DS is the better system as Nintendo actually knows how to support their handheld. There's already a ton of must-play titles on the 3DS, and several more releasing this year. I'm CERTAIN you'll love your XL.

Make certain you grab Mario 3D and Kid Icarus!
Awesome point & shoot you've got there. The reviews have been amazing. Enjoy!
Damn, dude. Your setup always looks amazing. Cool room you've got!
Picked up a couple of straps from gordy. Dark brown and Russet will be on it's way.
Gah, peapody! ... You just have to make the OM-D even more appealing, don't ya?!
I *FINALLY* pulled the trigger on an iPad. When it was announced, everyone called it a giant iPod Touch and made fun of me for wanting one. Over the years, I thought it was awesome but couldn't justify it... while I watched everyone else eat their hat and buy one. It's been killing me! ;p But now with a very hectic work schedule and lots of travel, I was excited to pull the trigger during this tax-free weekend! Also snagged a green Smart Case (which doesn't seem to have any wiggle like I feared from reviews), and of course, then I felt obligated to pick up a matching bumper for my 4S. They're looking great together. The iPad is just a plain-jane 16GB Wi-Fi model; but until I know otherwise, I didn't know what options to splurge on. So this might be a "test" for the time being.
.... and I also picked up Kingdom Hearts for 3DS and a free $10 GC.