Here's my latest purchase -
2013 27" 3.2GHz 16GB iMac, 2013 Retina MacBook Pro 2.6GHz and a 2TB time capsule!
Another Airport Extreme to replace an Extreme that started needing to be power cycled once per day as it would lose it's internet connection.
The Netgear router would have lasted longer than 13 months?Whats the difference between this and like a netgear router?
Congrats!!! $$$$$$$
Not my latest purchase per se, but since it's my birthday today, here's one of the things I got.
Alien Anthology by ctt1wbw, on Flickr
You need help!
The Netgear router would have lasted longer than 13 months?
To be fair, I was perfectly pleased with it's performance up until two weeks ago when it started showing problems. I tried resetting it, restoring default settings, downgrading firmware, talking nice to it - nothing seemed to work.
I bought another Extreme simply to avoid having to set up my network again (by loading the old config file onto the new router). We must have 20+ wifi devices in the house and it's a real pain in the butt to reset all of their network connections with a new router.
Happy Birthday! Mine is Wed.![]()
I went slightly "retro" for some but the reward is priceless.
I missed my old N64 and with the speakers I have now, I never realized how much low end punch the old system really had! Some of the games I picked up give my sub a workout just as if I was watching a movie on BD.
The only shame is I wish there was a legal way to enjoy these games at a much better resolution. No emulator has gotten some of the effects right on Bad Fur Day.
Not pictured, ten other N64 classics!
Just to further confirm your assessment of my state of (in)stability...
My guests get this! It's all the same right?