I got one about a month ago. I love it, except for the utter **** they call a battery in that thing. But it's a great device. Let me know how you enjoy it.
I actually find the battery life quite good. Charging time on the other hand is appalling! Also takes an age to turn on compared to my iP5 but otherwise I am loving it!
Yeah you got that right. Batter takes 88 years to charge and 3 hours to discharge. How do like the screen? It's nowhere near as good as my old iPad.
I find the screen pretty good actually. I don't really watch much content on it as I've been at home/work mostly since I got it so I have bigger screens to use. It's great for browsing and playing sudoku though!One thing I find a bit annoying is the lack of volume. The only time I tend to use internal speakers on these sort of devices is in the kitchen in the morning and it definitely can't be heard over a kettle/general people walking in and out etc.
One thing I really wish was that there were more tablet optimised magazines (and apps). I think I'd love reading magazines on it but I'm driven away by the focus on double page spreads and the like :/
I'm slowly getting used to eBooks, but magazines are a huge thing for me. I don't think tablets are going to ever replace magazines. I tried out a copy of Android something or other on the Nexus 7 but it isn't the same as having the actual magazine. I'm older than most people here and still prefer a hard copy book but I'm slowly starting to like eBooks.
The new rMBP came yesterday...Can't get over just how good the screen is..Also like where they have put the HDMI port..The retina aspect actually DOES compensate for real-estate, and editing photo's on this is a joy...Now I want a 27" RETINA Thunderbolt display too...![]()
Fenix E21 Flashlight.
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